72 Fireworks category
1 year ago
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
He/Him, It/Its
1 year ago

add a category where you have to get 72 fireworks pls, 3 in every level with a flagpole

New York City, NY, USA


United Kingdom
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

Why not? if there's an "all flagpole levels 6 fireworks" ce then why not an "all flagpole levels 3 fireworks" as well? how about an "all flagpole levels 1 firework" ce? although the point of 144 fireworks is max fireworks so...

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
He/Him, It/Its
1 year ago

but the thing is that 1 fireworks usually doesnt waste any framerules. 3 and 6 fireworks always looses atleast 2 framerules.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Basque Country

i've purposed at some point this idea before, and gotten it rejected

very sad

We don’t need any more categories. We have so many and only a few are really played

North Korea


New York City, NY, USA

@Miggle13 it's literally just 144 fireworks but you wait for different times at the end of each level, 24 fireworks would be the same

Lohoris likes this
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