Why no 5 and 6p glitch section
3 years ago
New York City, NY, USA

im dum tell me

Bavaria, Germany

I can't tell Because My internet is hating me

Bavaria, Germany

ok my internet is good Btw idk Why Lol

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Yes i agree with you there should be 6p and 5p glitch% section Can any mod can tell why there is no 6p and 5p glitch% section?

Edited by the author 3 years ago
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago
  1. we already have 10 sub-categories
  2. more than 4 people for glitched is pretty much useless
  3. all she wanna do is try and clunk me
TheSecondTry, shreyas_luigi and 2 others like this
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California, USA

17 second gallery 5p glitch be like

Bavaria, Germany

sub 10 gallery 6p glitch be like

Bavaria, Germany

With tas

California, USA

u cant do it even with tas

Bavaria, Germany

Yes i know

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