Wii version
3 years ago
New South Wales, Australia

Will there be a separate leaderboard for the Wii version of the game?

polmaymol likes this
United Kingdom

Hi, I've just added the ability to submit runs for the Wii version. Not sure if there's any differences to the DS version but feel free to submit a run :)

United Kingdom

because you added the wii version you can remove the "[ds]" from the title now

United Kingdom

also theres this run by @DumbManLo

Edited by the author 3 years ago
New South Wales, Australia

The Wii and DS versions are different, so would it be possible to make 'DS' and 'Wii' sub-categories or something?

Also: I have a run that I played on a wii u.

United Kingdom

Hi guys,

I've now added categories for speedruns of the Wii version for you to submit these runs.

New South Wales, Australia

Going back to the post from earlier, now that the wii version is here, and categories as well, we might as well remove the "[DS]" from the title.