7 years ago

If you have any problems with snaps, need help, or just want to post something that has to do with snaps, post it here.

Havi likes this

I typed snaphots instead of snapshots FailFish . I'm a retard 4Head

Havi likes this

I keep having trouble at the first fucking snap. Any ideas why? I seem to be pretty on point. Can somebody give me a screenshot, a little brightened up eventually, with the exact position of the first snap?

Thanks :).

Andra and Havi like this

Ah, first snap! I had problems with it too. My advice is to stand on the spot where the camera spawn is. For aiming just see the video (WR, my PB, Josh's PB... it doesn't matter which one). Make sure to zoom in and you'll get it! When you start practicing more and do runs, you'll get it every time :D

Havi likes this
Hampshire, England

Yeah the first snapshot is very precise. Copy the point we stand in and aim at very carefully.

Andra and Havi like this

Ok, now I have a new fucking problem with this route. I hit the first one every single time, but I started missing the crane snapshot. No matter how I adjust, I just can't get it anymore.

The CLEO thingy would help me greatly but if I can't get it working it's no hope. Any other random things that you think that might help me?

Thanks a bunch!

Havi likes this

Just stand on the same spot and justfor aiming see someone's PB. If you're having problems with other snaps too, just see what we're doing in runs and you'll get it.

Havi and Crimsonify like this

After ages of holding this route I decided to not be lazy and finally upload it. I miss one snapshot in the video, the statue one, but it's obvious where to get it (when you're near the 555 building getting the others) and you'll want to practice references anyway.

Another note: Like in every other route (that I made at least) arriving too early at SF gives you bad weather pattern. I try to reach the bridge on the flight by about 8:50, but earlier might work.

This route is extremely risky. Cops will definitely screw you up 99% of the time.


My new snaps route : You need to be fast or you'll get screwed by the fog, link to Powdinet's video is in the description


I just realized I missed 1 snapshot at the start, so you need to take 18 snaps at the car park, not 19


For people who can't get to take snapshots from the airport... The reason is because you miss weather cycle. At 10:00 o'clock (in game time) the weather in SF changes into Cloudy, so to avoid that, you should be in the Countryside region to get a different weather. Just stand in the red zone (image below) and you'lll be fine:

hoxi likes this

^ Blantas waits for a bit in his PB to stay in there until 10:00. Instead, you should use replays to advance the time. Each replay advances it by one minute on the clock. You can most likely record a short replay after starting the NRG challenge (press F2 right after skipping the tutorial).

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Lookas likes this

I would like to know which snapshots are taken at every spot going from this map: So if someone could tell me I would highly appreciate it. It would be helpful to be able to implement them into the 100% route.For instance to go to the top of the tower on 555 we tip (maybe before entering the marker, needs testing anyways). Best way would be a short description on the location (maybe a link to the WR video with timestamps would be even better) and then which snapshots by number behind it.


Lookas likes this

@Booskop On this map: I have marked with red numbers all the points in the order in which I take snapshots in the category All Snapshots. Below I will write the numbers of snapshots for each red position respectively: 1 - 41, 15, 6, 50, 36, 16, 7, 35. 2 - 3, 32, 33. 3 - 34, 40, 41. 4 - 1, 31, 2, 8. 5 - 29, 10, 30, 9, 45, 44, 46, 43, 42, 49, 48, 37, 39, 18, 28, 38, 17, 19. 6 - 22, 7 - 5, 14, 4, 47, 27, 26, 24, 21, 25, 23, 20. 8 - 13. 9 - 11, 12. I try to write snapshots in the correct sequence. Route - . (Sorry for bad english btw)

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Wizz, Booskop, and Thunder like this

Thanks a lot Lookas :)

Thunder and Lookas like this
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