Platform: Drawing tablet
8 months ago
Barcelona, Catalonia

Hi, I was wondering what to select if a runner submits a run played with a drawing tablet (because they use the tablet to perform faster slides)

The options available are: Android, "PC", Windows Phone and iOS. But no "iPad", "Tablet" or likewise. What should the players select?

Somerset, England

Do you know the name or model of the tablet?

And could you please provide a link to the run.

Barcelona, Catalonia


One run was privated and another one obsoleted. The runs are from some time ago.

But I can see this trend of the drawing tablet coming back. Especially for other entries. It was only outdated because we found a faster strategy.

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
Somerset, England

It looks like they're on an emulator. What's the platform that's being emulated?

Since you'd normally set the platform to whichever one that you are currently emulating, and then you'd turn on emulator on the run.

Also, a drawing tablet is an input device and normally input devices don't count as their own platform. Since for example, playing with a PS4 controller on an Android tablet would still mean you're playing on Android.

Also, thanks for caring about that platforms that runs are done on, since normally moderators do not caređź’€

Edited by the author 8 months ago
Barcelona, Catalonia

Thanks for clarifying!

"Since you'd normally set the platform to whichever one that you are currently emulating" oookaaay I get it now. I thought it made sense to say "PC Emu" or "Android Emu" but yeah that makes more sense to just say DS Emu. It's just that this game can only be played on Nintendo DS, so that's why I didn't consider emulating other "platforms" as it happens in other games (my POV was narrowed)

yeah I cared because it's not immediately obvious that they are using a drawing tablet. But when this is a gamechanging advantage I thought runners would be interested in noticing that the run isn't made on emulator for no reason.

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this