9 years ago
South Holland, Netherlands

''like in the middle ages. we're still apes. i wonder how many thousands of years of evolution it will still take until this changes for once.''


Queensland, Australia

This cannot be the case. The word "69%" is my trigger, and i will not tolerate oppression through this site.

ZooKetra likes this
North Brabant, Netherlands

but mrwalrus is of course allowed to meme, naechster isn't. that is hilarious

AlpineEscape likes this

This Requiem720 guy sounds like a douche

Redh31, AlpineEscape and 5 others like this

So quite a while ago now, the community as a large majority (pretty much everyone bar naechster, I guess) decided that 69 Stars makes more sense than 69% - the objective of the category is to get 3 stars in every single core ME time trial, which adds up to 69 stars. Anyway, it was mainly because it gets quite annoying new people in chat asking what "69%" is all the time, and 69 Stars might be a bit more self-explanatory.

So that happened, and Naechster (pretty much the only one to not like that change), was pissed because he "invented" that category and named it as such. Anyway, as you can see he's completely unreasonable and has the most ridiculous attitude to anything. The ME community isn't "licking Req's dick", we just all agree with him on this.

Anyway, I'll change the category to 69 stars and leave it that way for the reasons I gave.

WhoIsThisKid, Milk and 3 others like this

Why would you not include milliseconds in your time? It just makes it more accurate and I see no disadvantage. What if you get the same time down to the second as another runner? Did you beat their time? Nobody knows because this runner didn't include milliseconds in his time. I don't see a reason to not submit the most accurate time.


I guess when he dropped out of the Skype group and what not, he gained the ability to make up the shit that goes on in there.


That makes sense, FurryWulfz. I don't speedrun Mirror's Edge but I was aware that it had a load removal timer. However I was not aware that it didn't have auto start/stop and coming from Portal I was used to having that and forgot that other games don't necessarily have that.

Queensland, Australia

This game does have a auto start and stop function for spliting.

United Kingdom

Mirror's Edge does have auto stop / start now fnzzy :)

United Kingdom

Noone runs this game on console Furry, idek why Naechster is getting mad about milliseconds, that part just seemed irrelevant


Dear Readers,

As World Record holder of mentioned category and a keen lover of 'Aussie Dick™' I am deeply offended by this disruption of peace in the community, If we could all just get along, keep loving the same old dick as we always have, and above all nobody beat my World Record in the most important category in this very serious video game that'd be great.

Lots of Love, KooZ

Gonthey, chimpa and 2 others like this
Georgia, USA

I wonder how blissfully unaware this guy is of his actions.

Milk and Pac like this

well you no longer need to wonder. i hate when people have to wonder needlessly. thats why i'm here now.

this is what i wrote dear mr. pac and what of course he didn't publish here without my consent being a private conversation (what kind of people do such things?).

you want more? so if i say dont call it 69% they now have to call it 69%?

am i in kindergarden here? the mirrors edge community decided nothing. zooketra, floubz, requiem and keelshing decided something behind everyones back in their private teamspeak round. while licking each other's dick. thats not the mirrors edge community but some big heads that think they are the elected government and can decide everything.

so for the super extended beverage skip is this still the name of it? did nulaft protest? or did you manage to rename it to "extended"?

cause it makes more sense!

pathetic assholes.

and what is the opposite of noone put milliseconds in their time? everyone put milliseconds in their time! hillarious!

please put that also on all of your forums!


and please also mention, that glitchless has a lot of glitches in it!

if you DON'T mention all of this, then you are an asshole.

also about any%: there are no collectibles in mirror's edge story mode once you have collected them, so it makes no sense to get any% of collectibles that aren't there. the name any%, it makes no sense! we, the mirror's edge community have all agreed that this has to be changed!

interlude: now see, mr pac doesnt actually care about any of this. his story that he "wanted to give it to a mod" you can believe or not. what he cares about is how to make a living running a site for you guys!

and there are 30 bags and 69 stars to collect in mirror's edge. the game mirror's edge, not the story mode campaign. 30+69=99 coincidence? i don't think so. so getting the 69 stars is almost 69% of completion. in fact its 69.69696969....% so it makes perfect sense. too much sense for nitwits obviously.

so mister, whats your educated opinion on the mirror's edge community not making sense of anything except my category name?

and would you please also answer all my other questions?

cause they werent rhetoric you know.

oh and about 69 stars i already saw several times in stream chats people call it "mario's edge" or sth like that. which was predictable. but a site thats running on servers of a super mario community this is probably an honor. for my part i dont want anything to do with nintendo lala land in my mirror's edge game.

stupid idiots.

oh and the guy thats complaining about 69% not completing anything 69% in the forum. his original post suggested instead "time trials 100%" now thats the dumbest of all suggestions and got promptly deleted by nice mr floubz, cause he didnt want to let the poor guy embarass himself publicly. note like so often: this guy probably doesnt even have the game mirror's edge, run it, run time trials, like time trials or anything. he just wants to talk.

i forgot one category: 100%

now to be completely honest here, as a beginner in speedrunning some 3 years ago, i thought 100% was about "doing everything in the game". so for mirror's edge this would mean going the casual route. so some kind of "no oob". to know that 100% means "collect all collectibles", you have to read that somewhere, it's not obvious, not self evident. it makes no sense! if you have to READ, if you have to KNOW something, it makes no sense. or so goes the tale, amirite.

if you want more, i can give you more....

have a nice day

ps: i hope you misspelled my name intentionally. if not youre an idiot.


Whatever you are smoking naech, I want it.

Also, because of your great lyrical comment above, have a Haiku:

I'm turning over look out and give me room there you cricket, you.

zook since when are you from wales? i thought you were from jamaika. that makes no sense!

i still love you semml. my love to you is undying. <3

Phillotrax, ZooKetra, and Floubz like this
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