Any% - Community Best Segmented Time
4 years ago
Nottinghamshire, England

Finally got around to making this, it's not fully comprehensive as I didnt check every run for some segments. The "with video" section has some gaps that need to be filled in. It can be lowered, especially on the tracks that arent a part of ILs (intro, first five tracks, tracks with no run up etc) So feel free to post here any splits you get (with vid if you want) and I can edit them in :) you can ask any questions about it here too


Are you only using any% or are you also using IL runs? If you're also using IL's, feel free to use my 9.958 on grav VI.

emrald likes this
Nottinghamshire, England

Hi, this includes IL runs as best splits however on any% the speed upgrade is obtained after Loveless so any levels before that have to have been done before loveless was completed. Feel free to try Grav VI on a fresh save, I bet you could get a really good time!

Saiga likes this

Very cool! Unfortunately, I won't be trying any% anytime soon due to my phone. At its 0.85 speed, the current record would barely be a sub 23. Also, I got a 9.345 on crossroads. I'll submit it soon.

emrald likes this

I'd be very interested to see AI run everything in the game to see how fast it can actually get.

Nottinghamshire, England

very good kf! well you can still have best segments as it takes IGT for IL runs for example your Collapse time is listed there despite it being slower real time (ones highlighted in blue are real time). It is assuming that a run achieved at 85% speed could be achieved at 100%. It also has some best times listed from the in-game leaderboards, where we cant tell how fast the game was running for those runs. That's why ive also included another sheet just for splits with video proof. If you want to get a Crossroads split however you have to do it without a run-up like in any% (all the no-run up times are highlighted in orange)

As for an "AI" run, mobile games currently cant be TASed too easily so it'll be a long time before anyone tries that. If someone was to TAS it i would guess it could go to the 17:30 range, i imagine a TAS could build up some crazy speeds in some sections

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Kokafishin likes this

Tbh I never actually realised you get a speed upgrade after loveless lmao, but I certainly will!


Got a decent time on grav, will keep trying.

emrald likes this
Nottinghamshire, England

Updated all the new best splits, which has taken ~1.5 seconds off the SoB and brought us just under 18:43. Well done everyone!

Edited by the author 4 years ago

I got a 7.483 on Regulator from a standing start. Do you want the video?

Nottinghamshire, England

You can PM me the link if you want, ill update it tomorrow


I can do some runs with vid for the parts of the start of the game like Waking Light but slow


So far my times are these Intro: 22.0xx sec Waking Light (slow):14.946 sec 8-Track (slow):49.416 sec I have video proof of all of these times, I'll keep going

emrald likes this
Nottinghamshire, England

could you PM/link me the vids as well? thanks @TheNameless

edit: updated it, another .6 or so cut off down to 18:42.4 Ive added a "progress" section at the bottom of the first sheet to show how much has been shaved off over time. Ive also added the lap splits to the vid sheet since i forgot to add them there.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
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