This could drastically speed up playthroughs, generating more interest into the game.
Should these be listed as level, a separate category, or what?
While I'm the only one that has posted anything on here in 2 years (aside from a request for a single dog category), I do not want to be the only voice in this. So while I am moving, I will leave this up for a week. If there is no other discussion, I will simply create a category for it. This gives opportunity for discussion if anyone wants to provide it.
I think single puppy runs are a great idea! After trying this game I can say the main category is a bit unwelcoming.
I don't know how the rng works for this game. If the puppy is the same each time I think it should be an IL, but if even the furst puppy is random it should be a normal category
There is RNG in every puppy. I believe the first one is always city center unless you venture outside the area, but even puzzle to attract the puppy can add time.