UruguaySagat1 year ago

I know im not the only one that thinks the current 100% ruleset doesn't represent an actual 100% completion of this game.

The current requirements are:

  • Defeat Demon Shinnok
  • Unlock all special moves

You cant do the first step, without the second, so its just Defeat Demon Shinnok Lets just start by pointing out that there is nothing stated about the earth god skip and the second Scorpion fight

Doing this ruleset optimally means that you do any% but collect 4 urns and do a bit of exp farm, then just Defeat Demon Shinnok, you could name this category Bloopers, its VERY similar to Any%

So, i think a better representation would be:

  • Defeat All Bosses ( Scorpion 2 Included )
  • Collect all Items

What do we do with Sareena? You trade a Fatality for a Cutscene, doing the fatality here can help you get the last bit of experience needed to unlock the final special move as you will land a few extra hits on Quan Chi, Letting her live may save you time if Quan Chi is in the proper position So i would leave this as runners choice

Experience points: The MAX amount of experience points that can be obtained is 20000, the last special move is unlocked at around 7400, the optimal way to farm the rest is to fight Quan Chi multiple times( bring him to 1hp > let him kill you > repeat ) I dont think getting 20000 experience brings any interesting addition to the speedrun, both as the runner and for spectators Also, it removes any strategy on the Exp route as once you get 5100, the rest is farmed on Quan Chi

So, these simple two requirements mean that the runner must:

  • Fatality Scorpion
  • Unlock all special moves
  • Collect all Items
  • Defeat all bosses

This will change the speedrun considerably from what Any% is, as both items and bosses are involved

I want to see everyone's input on this,

-Do you think the current 100% category is a good representation of a 100% completion of this game?

-What do you think of the proposed changes?

-What rules would you set to represent a 100% completion ? Sareena should be left alive, dead or anything goes?

-What about difficulty setting?, it has to be Normal or higher

Thanks for reading this wall of text

UruguaySagat2 years ago

This new method saves around 4-5 seconds, the glitch is not new, but the implementation in a speedrun is. It allows you to go trough walls, its like the Fortress skywalker glitch but in a weird death state

To trigger this do as follows:

  • You need a healing item in your inventory
  • Stand on the spring trap ( the one that pushes towards spikes in the celling)
  • As you get hit and die to the spikes, mash all the attack buttons, the glitch works if you get a LOADING here
  • As soon as you see the LOADING, press the select button then heal -Healing here prevents sub zero from falling and dying -Glitch activated, clip trough walls while alive

If somehow this can be replicated in another level it would be insane as there are other levels that can be greately exploited by going through walls

UruguaySagat2 years ago

Im not sure if this was already known but here it is

UruguaySagat3 years ago

Credits go to DWednesday,

So if you die by product of getting pulverized by a swinging axe, and as the screen fades black the pillar hits the ground, the game removes two lives.

You can see this in my 32:26 run at 6:54.

DWednesday menyukai ini
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