Pennsylvania, USALlamason2 years ago

Specters is already slower even if it had iae anyways.

Pennsylvania, USALlamason2 years ago

I think non-IAE had been in the talks before. Mainly because it flat out does not work on PAL.

benang: Yo-kai Watch
Pennsylvania, USALlamason2 years ago

Hey everyone! I know I am only a mod for YW1 but I have no doubt that the mods for other games speak on the same grounds. Emulators are banned and have been banned for a while, and this isn't looking to change. But more importantly I am wanting to discuss the legality of NTR CFW, which is a way people often record 3ds footage. We aren't mad at you if you didn't know this, but it SPEEDS UP LOAD TIMES! It has some other effects as well, but for this reason PLEASE DO NOT RUN WITH IT, OR YOUR RUN WILL BE INVALID. Apologies to Practical User, as it appears he uses this or something similar and his DtS run which tied WR will probably be removed. Nerdy and I are not mad at you for not knowing.

menyukai ini
jalankan: Yo-kai Watch
Pennsylvania, USALlamason2 years ago

NTR CFW speeds up load times, so no, that is not allowed

jalankan: Yo-kai Watch
Pennsylvania, USALlamason2 years ago

I'm gonna ask Nerdy about the specifics for when time actually stops, because this actually might be a 6:43. Unfortunately I am pretty sure he goes to bed soon so it might be a bit before you get a response. Either ways congrats.

jalankan: Yo-kai Watch 2
Pennsylvania, USALlamason2 years ago

I guess it is time for me to fulfill my end of the deal

jalankan: Yo-kai Watch
Pennsylvania, USALlamason2 years ago

The time which stood for a year straight

Tidak diketahui
Pennsylvania, USALlamason2 years ago

Okay, jokes aside, I don't think I have ever had bug luck THIS bad. Kind of fitting.

jalankan: Yo-kai Watch
Pennsylvania, USALlamason2 years ago

I'm just as surprised as you that buhu survived that, what?!

Pennsylvania, USALlamason2 years ago

I love that idea

jalankan: Yo-kai Watch 2
Pennsylvania, USALlamason2 years ago

Absolutely insane

dokumachi menyukai ini
Pennsylvania, USALlamason2 years ago

I think you should be more specific with discord call

Pennsylvania, USALlamason2 years ago

3:40 sounds pretty good, although if you're saying 3:45 that tells me you're probably right.

Pennsylvania, USALlamason2 years ago

3:45 is very hard to get, although, I think it is much easier to get. It's something I realistically could have gotten many times when I used to run this game had it not been for really bad errors or just terrible luck.

Pennsylvania, USALlamason2 years ago

Are we not gonna talk about the fact that people can save scum to get times which look really good? Like you save and reset until you get a really good segment? I think we should require recording for runs under 3:30, even if it means allowing emulators (in a separate category). These are just my thoughts.

jalankan: Yo-kai Watch 2
Pennsylvania, USALlamason2 years ago

Congrats, I have been curious about when you would run next. I wouldn't doubt that you can overtake both Sugar and I if you put enough effort into it. You were always one of the runners who I thought had the most potential to do really well.

Pennsylvania, USALlamason2 years ago

I recently heard a rumor that you can use doll glitch to skip ghoulfather.

For those who don't know, in my first playthrough of yo-kai watch 3 (which I have now finished), I chose to try testing doll glitch on most bossfights in the game. (Later on I had stopped for a brief bit due to just wanting to finish the game, but I do remember testing this fight for the first phase).

Not a single one of my doll glitch tests were successful. I remember weird stuff happening when it was used on Agent X 1 and I think Beddy Bye too, but other than that nothing really happened, it just brought you to before you fight the boss, which would just be a useless waste of time.

I never tested the 2nd phase, but more than likely it does nothing.

Only way I could see this being true is if it works on older versions or only on JP versions.

jalankan: Yo-kai Watch 3
Pennsylvania, USALlamason2 years ago

Free WR

Pennsylvania, USALlamason2 years ago

Fo0d, I think I might know why you keep failing to that fight, target the face instead of the stomach, only pin the stomach when he covers his face with the bucket. (Based on what I remember). Doing this means he uses his soultimate FAR less and it makes the fight quicker & easier.

Pennsylvania, USALlamason2 years ago

Was I talking about you Fo0d? With that in mind I will do it if either of you beat Kosa in 1 (the main 3ds category).

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