Among Us PVE gamemode rejected as a speedrun.
3 years ago
Kentucky, USA

A group of Friends and I decided that Among Us could be a really fun game to speedrun. Not in the traditional way of playing though, at minimum you have 4 people run, private lobby, timer starts after you get out of the black screen loading in, Imposter basically AFKs because pvp isnt the goal of this. The goal is for all of the crewmates to get a win through task as fast as possible. (ex. ) This would have several categories for different amounts of players, and larger categories for each map, and if glitches are discovered possibly break it into glitched / glitchless. Another category would be single person finishing all of their task (ex. bad quality but its proof of concept.) All runs would be run on base settings for the game which would be outlined in the rules. Anyways getting to the point, after going through waiting several hours for a response we were appalled when the game was rejected for being PVP when we were running SPECIFICALLY to do PVE (task). This would be way more understandable if there were not games like Overwatch, or there are category extentions for minecraft litterally with runs to kill x amount of players as fast as possible. Get this attention cause id like a better explanation as to why from website moderators other than "no PVP"

TL;DR - Among Us got rejected as a category for being PVP even though we specifically were running it for PVE, while other games or category extentions are 100% pvp (ex. Minecraft Hypixel skywars or bedwars)

Kentucky, USA

I'd also like to have a better conversation with website moderators about it to help me better understand if possible ty


First, there is no use complaining about other games on the site which don't apply by the current request rules, because they were added in the past; and the rules don't apply retroactively.

Second, about the game itself, and why it was probably rejected. What you just described is taking a PvP game, and artificially turning it into a PvE category. This is still pvp, but having extra steps to make it looks like it ain't so. And as for the rules, PvP based games are not allowed. So I don't see a problem with the rejection.

As for why it might be problematic. Look at the steps you took here: must have a minimum of 4 players, gather in a private lobby, one player (with the role of the "enemy") must be AFK, etc. You can do this sort of stuff in any other competitive multiplayer game and artificially turning it into PvE (by requiring one team to be AFK).

This is impossible to do in some games or scenarios; and you also must have a team, a single player won't be able to do anything.

Edit: you can directly contact site moderators for details on any game rejection.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Gaming_64, decaf35 and 7 others like this
Kentucky, USA

I deleted the other 2 as soon as i realized the mistake it wasnt loading at first so i clicked it again is why that happened

for the problems, random lobby all task could be another category, while this does make it harder and yes it adds in the bit of pvp aspect, this could allow a single person to run, this could also be done with 2-3 people all recording and they stop time when all 3 finish in a random lobby.

I get that there is some merit to the rejection but in my opinion is that it should make it through, and i was trying to provide a bigger picture to the mods of the website more than was provided in the game request

New York, USA

If you want this that badly you're welcome to make a google doc or something similar to track it with other people who want to do it. But there's next to no chance of this happening for the reasons oreo outlined. You're underselling how contrived the PvE version of this is.

Hako, EmeraldAly and 3 others like this
New Jersey, USA
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

I'm one of the runners in the video. We already have a discord with 20 people in it and its been less than 24 hours. There's a good possibility that this community can grow into something much more.

Slh, Ozmeyham, and Astonishments like this
South Australia, Australia

I tried to submit the game as well, but using freeplay as that eliminates all imposters.

Thats not artificially changing it to PVE, but I got rejected as well.


Btw here's the link to the run.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Nathan5541 likes this

I tried to submit the game as well, but using freeplay as that eliminates all imposters. So you setup a custom lobby to remove the PvP aspects of a mainly PvP oriented game.

Thats not artificially changing it to PVE, but I got rejected as well. You actually stated in the line before, that you adjusted the settings of this otherwise PvP based game to turn it into a PvE mode.

All that aside in the speedrun you are already loaded in. Something that makes me question that run in the first place already.

If you really want to make a leaderboard for the game I highly recommend using a google spreadsheet or hosting your own website. Thats what most communities did and a lot still do.

Hako and Osmosis_Jones like this
United States

...other games on the site which don't apply by the current request rules, because they were added in the past; and the rules don't apply retroactively. But why don't the rules apply retroactively? Runs get removed all the time because the rules for the category change. Why doesn't that apply for full games?

So you setup a custom lobby to remove the PvP aspects of a mainly PvP oriented game. But FreePlay isn't exactly a custom lobby. You don't change any settings, this is literally just a function built into the game to give new players a way to practice. I think it should be perfectly valid to set this up as a speedrun category.

United States

@Nathan5541 I'm not a mod but here's a few potential reasons:

  • Doing this will evict some active communities of speedrunners
  • Doing this essentially means re-verifying every game on the site again, which is not feasible
  • Few people ask for this
  • Game moderators have fewer responsibilities than site moderators
  • there's 11 site moderators for >20,000 games

Regardless of whether or not Freeplay is valid (I have mixed feelings myself), this is a closed discussion and Among Us won't be going on the site, for better or worse. Can we move on?

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Walgrey likes this
United States

Please don't necro threads @Nathan5541