6 years ago
Kent, England

@Ianwubby Is there a material difference in the performance of the different karts / characters? If so, and given that croako (?) cannot be unlocked without paying, is it possible to create a sub-category for free / paid? The reason I ask is that there is interest in running this game (probably 1-1 5 lap) in the Mobile Speedrunning Discord competition, but we only do free games.

Edit: You are welcome to the discord https://discord.gg/F2fJjUg

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Spielpro likes this
Texas, USA

All of the karts have the same speed, I've definitely tested that. The only difference besides that is the frog guy (Crapo) and the elephant guy (Norton) can cause the really lightweight characters to spin out. However, Poppy and Rooki are not lightweight (so they can't be made to spin out), and they're unlockable within world 1, so I don't think paid vs. unpaid would make any sort of significant difference.

drgrumble and Spielpro like this
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Level: 4-5. Dragonfly Croak Croak
Level: 4-1. The Snail’s Island
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