WCG Meaning
1 year ago
California, USA

What does it stand for? lol I figure G for glitch but idk...

Edited by the author 1 year ago

World Cyber Games - No uniques Corolla

FVTurtleFights and wortex like this
Śląskie, Poland

Yeah exactly as chiwie said, WCG stands for World Cyber Games, it's a competition that was held back when the game was new. Basically that competition had their own set of rules which was to play with no Uniques and that's what we've adapted as a name/category in the past.

Similarly they held tournaments for Carbon and WCG banned specific cars from being used, and Carbon WCG also bans them

FVTurtleFights likes this
California, USA

So would I be correct in saying the IL catagory "No nos/wcg" is No nos/no uniques/ and something about the corolla?

I guess partiatlly what im asking is whats the difference between "no nos/no uniques" and "no nos/WCG"

Im sorry ahhhhhhh haha I'm just trying to make sure I understand before spending any time giving it a go :)

Maybe this thread will help somebody else in the future too :)

Edited by the author 1 year ago

WCG is the No Uniques category. Uniques is the Uniques category.

You can use the Corolla in any of them, what chiwie was saying was not worded too well but what he was trying to convey is that people don't really bother using any other cars because they're slower than the Corolla.

FVTurtleFights likes this
Queensland, Australia

Apart from me cause lol I dont like the Corolla

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