No Mods
4 years ago
Tokyo, Japan

So the only mod for this game was either banned or deleted their account, I still have like 12 pending runs for this game but there aren't any mods or verifiers so are they just gonna stay pending forever?

Michigan, USA

I also have 2 pending runs and the earliest one is from a week and two days ago. We should probably get a new mod since the other one deleted their account.

Michigan, USA

I wonder how many people have actually beaten Cautious's 3:55.7 even though none of them appear on the leaderboard yet. My pb is 3:54.5, and I got that 3 days ago. You can literally see the video on my yt channel if you look.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Victoria, Australia

yes my record was easy to beat but i bet it only a few days after, but i have now submitted a 3:51 and still has not yet been verified

Edited by the author 4 years ago
jrlegoboy2006 likes this
Michigan, USA

I see, ok then.

Victoria, Australia

I don't plan to be mod any time soon because I have more important things to do atm, so I don't think ill be able to verify runs daily

Tokyo, Japan

Yeah, school is really of overwhelming me and I don't have much time to speedrun (let alone verify other people's runs). I hope that there is someone that is willing to be a mod for this game but I kinda doubt it.

Victoria, Australia

Yeah same

Michigan, USA

me three, so since it looks like there isn't anyone who is willing to mod, maybe we should just not worry about this game anymore. I mean its basically already dead anyways so people probably wouldn't care about it. I didn't start running the game until 2 weeks ago, which it looks like that wasn't a good time.

Edited by the author 4 years ago

dead game lolz

Victoria, Australia

well I am still running this game, but at the moment we don't have a mod yet to verify all the runs that I have pending

Vatican City


2econdTry likes this
Tokyo, Japan

AmazKan just applied to be it, I might be a verifier as well because i have time now.

Małopolskie, Poland

How do you apply to be a mod I am not busy as the rest of you and do have some experience.

United States

@VisCountMunch I alpied for mod on this game and if i get added I would add you like, sound good?

VisCountMunch likes this

why do you guys care so much omg

Małopolskie, Poland

@TheCatRan sounds good


Wow apparently there's still a speedrunning community for this game That's cool

yeah there is and because im so fucking bored, i speedran a stage so yw

Michigan, USA

oh wait the runs finally got verified. I thought this game was dead, but I guess not, not yet at least. Maybe I'll start speedrunning here again.

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