Report a site bug
9 years ago

Also same, guides blank (Pokemon Red/Blue)

Carthage and Pacmogtro like this
Nebraska, USA

This is an issue with various Fire Emblem and Final Fantasy guides as well.


Is there anything worng with the GUIDES SESSIONS? When I click on the guide it doesnt show me any links for it.


Based on the last 5 posts here and these threads

it appears to be a problem with editing things and site staff is aware of it.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
ShikenNuggets and xDrHellx like this
New Jersey, USA

Guides for Red/Blue offline 😭

Pacmogtro likes this

There is no information about "Game Request Rules"... some weeks ago it worked well the game request rules, but now, nothing appears, also doing click " open page to edit" and game request info... but nothing... But you can still request a game at least, it is the information of the rules that doesn't show.


@manticor5 Probably the same issue as with guides, rules, forum posts, etc

manticor5 likes this
Jönköping, Sweden

minor thing, but I cannot see the comment I put in the description for my latest submission.

I went back to some older submissions on other games and I can read those just fine, same goes for comments by other runners for this game.

Otterstone_Gamer likes this

Hi, New to the site. I seem to not be able to see any of the guides for Kotor. I used to be able to view them a few days ago. All i get is a blank page, any help would be appreciated :)



This issue did happen some days ago... So, for now the info of the guides/forums/rules are blank, but the site staff is aware of this situation. Therefore, there will be a prompt solution to all this. You gotta wait for some days until the situation is totally fixed, @sbtiangco

sbtiangco likes this
Maine, USA

There seems to be an issue going on right now where the description of some of the most recent runs are missing. Here is what I'm seeing when viewing a run that I've submitted today:

Here's its description, which should be displayed on the run's page, but it isn't showing up somehow:

And here is what it should look like: The last image came from another run from about a month ago and yet it has its description while the most recent one doesn't. Is anyone else also experiencing this? Or am I the only one?


More than likely an extension of the bug that’s been reported like crazy regarding editing posts and viewing rules/guides.


When this is going to be fixed????

United States

do we a have an update of any kind?


I don't know if this is a bug, but the layout on the page for a run is now very poorly sized (as depicted in this screenshot)

Whether it's a bug or not, it makes the page significantly harder to use and is inconsistent with the rest of the site.

Kibō likes this

@ShikenNuggets it definitely does feel like a bug.

Have the developers ever heard of UX? Because this is a huge oversight imo.

Iowa, USA

@ShikenNuggets This should be fixed now as of just a bit ago.

ShikenNuggets likes this
United States

Liking a post, then clicking on the "x others" like this before the like is active, will result in the page becoming non-interactable. The list of people who liked the post will come up, then disappear when your like is added, but the page will still act as though this box is active.