The four main subjects Science Math Social Studies Language Arts
Science blue Math red Social studies green Language art yellow
Is math red because you think its hard
Math is green Science yellow English red Social studies orange
Math is yellow. Science is green. Social studies is white. Language arts is red.
Math= Red Science= Blue Social Studies= Green Language Arts= Yellow
I’m assuming my color associations came from my binders as well.
Social Studies sounds like a good name
its clearly supposed to go like this
Math= Red Science= Blue Social Studies= Green Language Arts= Yellow
School overall is very dark gray for me because I hate school and I can't wait to finish it so that I can focus on my projects that matter more. I learned more from youtube videos and tutorials about things in school than I did in actual school, and not to flex or anything but I already have better income than my teachers.
It's not really a flex because it's not hard to have more income than teachers Kekwait
I don't remember what colors I used for my stuff in school, or if I had some sort of color scheme. I think I had most of my stuff in just a black binder.
It's been a while
Math is blue Science is green Social Studies is red Language Arts is yellow
Science - Blue, evocative of the technology science has enabled. Math - Red, the color of a grader's pen marking errors. Social Studies - Yellow, the worn coat of dust from times long ago. Language Arts - Green, a shade of the nature many poets attempt to describe.
[quote] It's not really a flex because it's not hard to have more income than teachers [/quote] I'm 16.
Teachers get paid barely anything for what they do.
Maybe if went to school now, I would have different associations with subjects and colors. Science is purple. In one chemistry lab class we did an experiment and got some purple substances. Math is orange. I don't know why, but all those theorems and formulas were associated with orange color. I liked Social studies the most. That's why I associated this subject with my favorite blue. And Language Arts will remain green for me. I had to write my review on the book 'the light in the forest'. This task I remember the most, and it is associated with the word forest. I recently found here summary on this book and remembered everything again. So Language Arts is green for me like the forest.
Now that this thread is bumped, I wanna share my thoughts as well
Science - Green Math - Red Social Studies - Orange Language Arts - Yellow