6 years ago
Haute-Normandie, France

Hello everyone,i've got some big news for you and also a bad news. I Have added the quest mode as a new run category,the system is simple. You will play EVERY level of the chapter you're running,at the same difficulty and you will need to add every in-game time to get the final run time As i said,i have a bad news,because of a bad move on my end,every run of the first level of the boss rush have dissapeared and i can't restore them so i will need everyone to send their run again,i also modified the boss rush level,i have put them all on the same page instead of them being separated

Edited by the author 6 years ago

Thanks! Can’t wait to run some SBR

Haute-Normandie, France

Hello guys I just added the new stage of Super battle road and the future gohan event as well even though he isn't out yet but since he's the next event,I decided to add it now

Wildfire226 likes this
Haute-Normandie, France

Hello everyone. I'm currently on vacation so i can't verify any run right now. I will ne back home next monday so i will verify every run next tuesday. You can still send your runs,just they will be verify August 13th because i will have personal stuff to do once i got home so i don't think i will be able to verify runs the 12th Have a good day everyone and happy holiday

Edited by the author 5 years ago
GFQ|Durzo likes this
Tennessee, USA

Are you guys planning on adding Boss Rush 7? I’ve got a few good runs ready to go 👍

Haute-Normandie, France

Thanks for reminding me that. I completely forgot about it

So Boss rush 7 has been added

GFQ|Durzo likes this
Haute-Normandie, France

After checking the runs on boss rush 1 at Super difficulty (the level with the most runs) i realised that some runs have the same time and that the top 3 is getting pretty close. So i will be adding soon a new in-game time system,you will need to give the full in-game timer (meaning you will need to add the milliseconds) With the milliseconds added we will be able to have a leaderboard even with time that are extremely close.

Also i just thought how a new way to display the levels but my idea is to regroup every level about one character in a single category but if i do that,we will have a lot of categories but it would be less than what we already have. For example,i would create a category named "goku" and inside of this,i will put every dokkan event concerning goku (goku SSB kaioken,goku SSJ3,goku SSJ4 etc). Would you like that new system or would you prefer to keep the current system of displaying levels ?

Ontario, Canada

How is this going to affect older runs? Will they need to be resubmitted with the milliseconds? Or will those runs he left to stand since none of them would change places with the milliseconds added?

Personally I don’t see a problem with how it’s displayed now, I think adding more menus to navigate would make things more confusing. If anything, I’d change the order to display newer events at the top and older events at the bottom, like Dokkan does it, that way it feels familiar, and a little bit easier to find events.

Haute-Normandie, France

Old runs won't need to be resubmitted,I will just go and add the milliseconds on every runs (Yeah that will be some work for me but i don't mind)

And i could display the newest levels at the top. It's the whole reason of this post to get feedback from you guys. I don't want to do a drastic change to the system suddenly without you guys knowing

Wildfire226 likes this
Haute-Normandie, France

As i said almost 2 weeks ago. I have added the milliseconds to the in-game timer display but i can see that you guys (the one that are using it currently) doesn't fill that time correctly. The game gives us a time written like this X,YY,Z (You all know what the letters represents). Your first reflex is to put the milliseconds given by the game directly in the submission page but doesn't understand correctly the time written. For example,when the game gives you X,YY,6 It means that you have a time with 600 milliseconds,not 6. So you must input 600 on the site and not the number given by the game because it only shows the first digit of the milliseconds and not all 3 digits.

In summary,when inputting milliseconds on your time. Multiply the number given by the game by 100 and you will have the correct time

Haute-Normandie, France

I added all the new levels for all the categories that we got from the 5th anniversary and i also modified the order of the dokkan event. The most recent event is at the top and the oldest is at the bottom. By the way,we currently have 76 dokkan event (yeah,i took the opportunity to count them)

Also i see a lot of people who put their infinite dragon ball history run in the wrong category,especially for the cyborg one that they put in the super warrior category,please watch out when you submit your run,i do correct it but it be nice if i didn't need to do that

Haute-Normandie, France

Speed Battle have been added

Also some of you have probably realised that i was "missing" for a few months. I just took a (long) break because ever since i became the moderator of this page,i was alone on this even if the amount of work wasn't gigantic. I was taking quite a bit of time to take care of this and with the growing community over the last 2 years, i was spending more and more time here so when i was sure that the new person i made moderator was able to take care of everything. I took a break but now i'm back and i was quite surprised to see 114 notifications on my account (they were all from this page so you were quite active all of you)

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Redlp1 and kimifail like this

Welcome back Starfrix :)

kimifail and starfrix like this
Alsace, France

Yo, j'aimerai essayé un speedrun sur dokkan mais j'ai une question bête qui me vient, à quel moment je dois lancer le timer quans je commence une run ? xD

kimifail likes this
Bretagne, France

tu dois mettre dans le temps in game le temps qui est afficher à la fin de ton niveau (celui du jeu) car pour l'instant livesplit ne marche pas avec dokkan. Par contre li bien les règles pour ne pas envoyer de run que nous devrions refuser.


tu rec avant de lancer la run, pour verifier que tu triche pas.

kimifail likes this
Bretagne, France

hi ^^ new level broly int and new dragon rush added. Have fun. Salut^^ nouveau niveau broly int et dragon rush rajouter. Amusez vous bien.

Redlp1 likes this
Bretagne, France

hi ^^ new level Paikuhan agi and janemba teq have fun. Salut^^ nouveau niveau Paikuhan agi and janemba tec rajouter. Amusez vous bien.

Redlp1 likes this
Haute-Normandie, France

Hello everyone. This post won't be very important but it's just something i wanted to write.

So you all probably noticed that i disappeared for more than a year without any reason nor warning. And the reason for that is simply that i got...Bored. Bored of managing this by myself and i simply lost interest in it. There was nothing wrong with the community itself. I have nothing to say about you guys, you were very nice while i was active but it's just that i got bored doing something i didn't asked for. Here something that pretty much none of you know, i was the first person to do runs on this page and because of that, the original moderator made me the new moderator while he left and basically gave me the responsability of all of this without telling me about it so i was left alone to manage this page who was growing suddenly.

So i'm going to step down as super mod and let Kimifail take charge and i'm happy to see that he did quite a good job keeping this page up to date with the events and being quite active (more than me who didn't log on for more than a year)

All of this was quite fun to do and i'm happy to see that this page managed to got a small community of active runners. I might come back sometime later as a runner myself (since it's maybe time for me to update my original runs who are more than 3 years old)

So in summary of my small "rant" :

  • I was gone because i lost the drive to take care ot this.
  • I will be stepping down as a super mod and let Kimifail take charge
  • I will still answer if you have some issues with the page. Just contact me via Discord.

Have a nice day everyone and see you one day maybe

kimifail likes this
Bretagne, France

Merci beaucoup pour la confiance que tu m'a donner et pour le travail que tu as fait pendant tout ce temps. Bon courage

starfrix likes this
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