NOTICE: Changes to rules
4 years ago

Hi. I'm back now. I've made some changes to the way speedruns work. You may notice that A: your runs now require verification (because some people just submit fake videos, and we're not about that) and B:

There's this new "time with loads" thing. That's mainly for full-game speedruns; since people load at different speeds, different times will appear on the leaderboard even if individual players are faster without loads. Thus, it's been split into two. Time without loads takes precedence. The rules of full-game speedruns will be updated to account for this, but I'm not spending 12 hours recording their individual level times; if you want your time without loads to show up, you'll have to record it yourself.

trunktop and FakeXp like this
United Kingdom

now the next thing is to request for super and remove everyone except yourself cause legit everyone else is inactive

United Kingdom

oh yea and keep element


Sneaksie's the developer contact, if ever we need someone else I'll contact him. The request for super specifically states that everyone else must be impossible to contact.


Poggers kick all the developers from the mod team

also @Elims why are you so mod hungry😂

Edited by the author 4 years ago
United Kingdom

nah im not requesting for mod you dummy im just trying to actually make the team only active mods


@Elims why are you so mod hungry 😂


@Elims why are you so mod hungry 😂


Locking, because you people can't behave.