Moderator, a cheated run is approved?
4 years ago

Please watch the side by side comparison between my run and nienty's run for World Star-1, any%, mine is on the left

Pay attention to the timer, they were in sync in the beginning, but by the time his run is completed, the timer is out of sync for almost 7 seconds, I believe the video was sped up, you can also see the fall speed of toad being faster than normal as well.

I saw the record and thought it's a new strat, but when timing my run with less vault jump and cleaner slide, I am still way slower than 40.99 second for 40s submission.

I am cool with WR sniping, I do the same as well, but getting snipe by a suspected cheater? That's not acceptable.

I would like to invite neinty to explain the abnormality of his recoding.

Dear moderators, I suggest audio being required as it's much difficult to speed up a video with audio

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Miggle13, Pear and 4 others like this

Upon further inspection, his World Star-7 any% and Star-9 any% also have the same problem, please assist to double-check and do the necessary if cheating is indeed involved.

Thank you for the assistance.

Crosstan81 likes this
United Kingdom

yep that run is definetly fake

Ayr, Scotland

Look at the timer in both

Ayr, Scotland

He is cheating by using a speed multiplier in the footage

Wisconsin, USA

yep cheating read below for explanation why

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Mr_Poggers likes this
Wisconsin, USA

All of neinty runs are sped up because of the movement from toad being faster than normal and the timer normally takes around 2 seconds to pass for one in game second making the record faster on video but the timer for both of the runs ended on the same time (21) so the fact that neinty is getting the WR with the same in game time as the current world record holder means that it could only be a tied world record or maybe could be a 43 at best or a 44 at worst so a 40 is 100% impossible from this one video alone. Making this run faked and all other runs neinty did also faked. He also got all records within a week it took me about 1 month to get mine (world 1 all pink coins and World 1-4 all pink coins). I watch all of neinty "World Record" runs and they all had the same issue toad was moving too fast and the in game timer was going faster than normal. Making every single one of his runs currently IMPOSSIBLE to replicate WITHOUT cheating or speeding up the video in some way shape or form. He did claim that he had to redo them due to lag but that is 100% BS because I did lag in my world 1 all pink coins run. I did not think to myself to speed the video up so I could make sure that the video would look better and so I could get a little bit faster time than I did before and get a 100% unbeatable WR. Just looking at the timer at the end will tell you if the run is faked or not it took me not even 5 minutes to know this is a faked run along with the rest of his runs on his youtube channel. All of his runs on his channel are claimed to be WR but they all have the same problem with the same BS excuse. Thanks for reading this really long reply.

TheodoreYuen and Mr_Poggers like this

I would like to know why his/her runs are still being verified, one of the records is World Star full world any% in 1 minute, can any moderator tell me what's going on? This is getting rediculous

I would like to request the removal of (or at least reviewing) all his/her current record, and issue him/her a perm ban on the SMR leaderboard future submission. I would also like to know the process of checking a record when verifying by a moderator.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Mr_Poggers likes this
Ayr, Scotland

I’m not saying that the moderator should get taken away of his duties but he should look more in depth in the run


You guys are correct. I want to issue an apology, this shouldn't have happened, all their runs will be removed. I also want to thank you for bringing this to our attention, we'll be more careful from now on.

Crosstan81, Pear, and grizzly03041 like this
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