I Don't Know If This Is Known Or If it's Not A Glitch (With That i Mean That i just Happened To Clip Through Some Walls) It Seems Like If You Go into A Wall At The Same Time As an Object Moves The Wall It Can Push You Through The Wall.
could you get a video? seeing a glitch and the setup is infinitely more valuable than vaguely describing what the glitch achieves
Im Not Very Good At Doing it And I Can Only Record With A Phone And Im On Vacation Right Now So I Don't Have It On The TV And A Black Screen Would Reveal My Face Which I don't Want To Do.
Get the clip, and use the switch recording feature (hold down the screenshot button, this will record the last 30 sec) and post it on twitter or something.
Not Gonna have a video and you don't need to believe me. But if someone finds this later or someone tries it and does i still found it first.
You're not going to get credit for this if it actually does exist and someone else shows a video of it. At best you'll be acknowledged as someone who may have done it before it was discovered, but it may also be swept under the rug as you put yourself out there as a young kid who wants attention without wanting to put in the effort to do so. Nice try.
@Entep I Did It In The Area In Cap Kingdoom Where A Bunch Of Yellow Platforms Going In And Out. And It Was The Secret Moon In One Of The Yellow Platforms. I Went In By Accident When It Was Very Long In And It Clipped Me Through. Also I Did It In Another Place But I Don't Remember That One.
It was a probably a clip like putting yourself where the timer challenge would be on top of you because you made it like that. If that makes any sense. You also won't be able to go through any other walls