How has speedrunning changed your real life?
2 years ago

It's my birthday today, and I would like to celebrate it by asking a rather interesting question. How has your life changed after you started speedrunning or came to SRC?

grntsz, Oh_my_gourdness and 6 others like this
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

It changed quite a lot. Usually, I just played video games, speedrun them occasionally, go to school, and just get on with life. After I joined SRC, I joined the Minecraft Bedrock community. It took a while before I started making posts on my account, but when I did, I just didn't stop posting. My role became/is to help people in the Minecraft Bedrock (and other) forums. I usually act like a forum moderator, even though it's an unofficial title. Joining SRC gave me more friends to joke around with. It was a great change for me, as I don't have many friends in real life and feel like I don't fit in. It gave me a place that I felt comfortable in. It was some place to laugh and joke around with other people. That's how my life changed since I joined SRC. Also, happy birthday, @Comrade_S!

Oh_my_gourdness, Jubilee and 3 others like this

ive just made a bunch of friends because of speedrunning

Oh_my_gourdness, jakubek and 3 others like this

As for me, with the arrival of SRC, my life really moved in a completely different direction. To a greater extent, this was influenced by 1 game, I stumbled upon it completely by chance when I was passing random games. I still can't pass it, llmao. This game really seriously influenced me and made me rethink my life. On the site itself, I found interesting people with whom it is interesting and fun to communicate, a lot of different games in which you can both relax and concentrate, I improved my English language skills, etc.

Oh_my_gourdness, jackzfiml and 2 others like this

Speedrunning has ruined my life

secretgorilla, Act_ and 5 others like this

@Komrade hehe, I also have a story about how I literally almost lost my life because of viewing the @starsmiley account

P S it's not like it's not related to her personally. rather, this is my own stupidity, but indeed viewing her account on src was the first step to rather terrible consequences.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Oh_my_gourdness likes this

we are talking about something completely different, I categorically condemn these words

Pennsylvania, USA

[quote=Comrade_S] rather terrible consequences. [/quote]


Edited by the author 2 years ago
Oh_my_gourdness likes this

No, I meant that flipping through her profile, I found a game that I had heard a lot about, when I decided to launch it, it resulted in several weeks of serious depression and a couple of suicide attempts

Oh_my_gourdness likes this

Speedrunning actually has tiny impact on me, it make the game much more challenging which is exactly what i was looking for and on top on that it gave me the opportunity to be a respective player.

Well i'm not exactly sure how respectful you can be on 3rd place but still.

Lastly i even have a chance to share some ideas on strategies on the game (Yes i have one strat to improve my time but i'm still testing it)

Oh_my_gourdness likes this
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

@comrade_s Sorry to hear about that. I hope you're doing better now.

Pennsylvania, USA

If not for signing up to src, I’d prolly be in the shitter.

Oh_my_gourdness likes this

if talking about when i joined src then speedrunning ruined my life or more precisely these forums did

Oh_my_gourdness and Ivory like this
Texas, USA

It made me realize I could have a chance at the top, even if it isn't as big a hill to climb. It's great being able to say you were the best at something, even if the moment lasts but a few months. I now know how annoying it is trying to keep a title. There's little more than intrinsic value and the pursuit of small competition is more of a personal endeavor.

Oh_my_gourdness and
like this
European Union

I was going to write a giant list of pros and cons, but I don't think anyone cares so I'll summarize.

Speedrunning fucked up my real world life so bad that I took the initiative to quit video games as a whole and become the best man possible, and now my life is amazing.

So overall speedrunning was a good thing, because without it I would have been mediocre, but now I am exceptional.

grntsz, Oh_my_gourdness, and
like this
Washington, USA

I was looking at the Speed Runs like 2 or 3 years ago. I was thrilled. And, I wanted to do some. So, I did some for a while. Until, I deleted all of them. Then, I came back. And, decided to come back and do more runs. And, I have been doing Speed Runs since 1 year ago in March of 2022.

North Carolina, USA

I know this thread is old and somebody bumped it recently, but this is a good concept thread.

Like Wes, I didn't really do anything. Sure, I read books and took apart my LEGOs and built other things with them, but I didn't do anything with other people. I had friends in school, but I didn't do much with them. I didn't have people I could share my interests with. My sister showed me the video that Jaiden Animations made where she did a speedrun and got a world record. I was intrigued by the "" she kept mentioning. I looked up this site and did like 3 runs, but then I didn't find much interest in it. About a year had passed, and some games I liked had some more world records I realized I could get a world record in. Months had passed, I had set some weird goals, and I had become sort of friendly with some people (like @CrimsonCurve700). An hour-long run I did had changed things drastically. Somebody I had noticed before but never talked to (@grnts) asked to submit a co-op SOB under my name. Of course, I agreed. But after that, grnts and I had commented on each other's runs, joking and stuff. Crimson had joined in on the fun, too. I (much) later had become part of the Moto X3M community. Then grnts had invited me to the Farmington Discord server. Thanks to Crimson and grnts, I've felt at home on this site more than anywhere else. I would say unlike 1, this site has impacted me very positively.

Thanks to my friends, my life feels much better than before.

Also sorry this is super long I felt like it was necessary with extra context.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
CrimsonCurve700, Zanum, and grntsz like this
United States

Thanks man your my best friend on this site :)

Zanum and Oh_my_gourdness like this

I now spend all my free time speedrunning instead of being productive.

Zanum and Oh_my_gourdness like this
Indiana, USA

@gaming_64 :heartemoji:

I have met a lot of good people like grant and gaming. I have also wasted a lot of my time and im now doing something with @CoKoNut that you would never expect to be doing with someone you met on src

edit: ^that kinda sounds sus but its not trust

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Oh_my_gourdness and grntsz like this