Any% Strategies - Least Distance Traveled
5 months ago
United States
Super moderatorEngineerBill
He/Him, They/Them
5 months ago

Good afternoon runners,

I wanted to share some of my thoughts for running Any%

We all know that Computers has a chance to fail, and would have us all running back and forth to and from computers to try to get the task done. What I would like to have happen would be to complete Computers first (since it has the highest likelihood to fail and cause extra time). The other tasks do not have this RNG type of element associated with them and thus are easier to manage.

I have done some quick calculations and have detailed how long (in distance) each task takes to complete. Whether this is accurate or not is TBD. One "unit" is a generic distance to move from one room to another. For example, moving from Storage to Maintenance is One unit. But moving from Maintenance to the Sample Room is 5 Units.

  1. Scanner - 0 Units (you don't have to move to finish the scanner, it all takes place in one room)
  2. Pizzushi - 10 Units (you have to get 2 samples from analysis and probably 1 or 2 rice bags from storage)
  3. Pressure - 12 Units (you have to move all 6 pressure canisters from storage to maintenance)
  4. Analysis - 12 Units (you have to collect all 6 samples from the sample room)
  5. Alimentations - 12.4 units (Depending on the placement of the tasks. Minimum distance is 2 units, Maximum Distance is 16 units. Average distance is 12.4 units)
  6. Computers - Minimum 15.6 units, Max theoretically unlimited units, Average TBD. Can anyone help with the statistics on this? How often does the Computers Task fail?
  7. Vents - 18.6 units on average.
  8. Delivery - 26 units on average (6 Deliveries, 2 units for maintenance, 2 units for medical, 4 units for pizza, 6 units for botanic, 6 units for computer, 6 units for camera)

Ideally, we would want to eliminate (or multitask) any routes that might overlap. For example, if you're running a delivery to Botanic, then you might as well grab an empty sample canister on your way and take it there too. Any time you're running you should be working on 2 tasks at the same time (at least).

Anyways, what are your thoughts on distance elimination? Is the strategy to start with Computers and then work on the Highest Distance tasks next? Like Delivery and Vents?

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