Co-Op Categories?
7 years ago

Should there be co-op categories? I think there should be, or at least have the option to add another player in the normal categories.

Hydro likes this

We could definitely add those if runners want to run it. If no one seems interested, there might be no point in adding co-op. We'll take it into consideration though

Hydro likes this
United States

Co-op seems obvious for the nicktoons games, but co-op isn't really our main priority as of now for players because of the dispute with netplay and the runners we had in the past. But since we do not have that many people running for the nicktoons series, it doesnt seem likely. If you're planning to run it with someone, we'll make sure to take co-op into consideration.

The All Trophies run I submitted was co op...

Missouri, USA
She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

I don't see why Co-op couldn't be added as a side category. Do you wish for it just to be for All Trophies?

United States

Then request the co-op category before submitting the run, as its already too late I'm just going to make it.

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