Blackscreen at game start
6 years ago

So i have been dealing with a problem ever since i started doing this. When i start a game, i don't get the loading screen, but my screen goes black. Basically im in-game as soon as the music starts playing, but the screen will stay black for 2,5-3 seconds after that. Losing these 3 seconds makes it kind of pointless to keep speedrunning in the long run, especially now where every second counts on easy mode.

Has anybody experienced the same problem and has a solution for this?


I don't have any problems like that. Which version do you play on? I use Patch 1.6 - Gold Edition Version on CD.

ps: in the longer missions (10m+) this 2-3s won't make much of a difference.

Edited by the author 6 years ago

I have a similar problem (using 1.6 in GoG) I don't see the loading screen and the input don't work for the first second or so ... funny enough the video I record does contain the loading screen ...


It does make a difference because as you guys may have noticed, the game does not check if you won the game at every time (tick), but only at certain moments. That is why on the first roman map, everyone, including me, always hits 1:23 even though you took the last tower at 1:21 already but the victory message doesnt show up. Tigger77's 1:20 is the checkpoint previous to that, and previous to that one is something at 1:16. So if you dont take the last tower in time, you will fall back on the next time-stamp. Which means me losing 3 seconds at the beginning should mean that i will always get a worse time than you guys. That said i am pretty sure, that the 1:16 on first roman mission for example will stand forever from now on and can only be tied, because i don't see that anyone could finish it roughly 3 seconds earlier because 1:15 and 1:14 probably would get delayed until 1:16 anyways.


I noticed that with the certain times as well. but still on a 10m+ mission you can do so much stuff "wrong" so that you never get a perfect run where these 3s will cost you the record. thats all I want to say. for the shorter missions it is quite the disadvantage I agree on that.

anyway, we can't help you if you don't share what version you are playing on.


@Tigger77: yes, same thing occours for me too. Looks really funny when i watch my VODs and i am idle for so long to then spam the first clicks to make up the time :D

Im also playing on the 1.60 Gold Edition


also the version from gog? if so, it may be a problem with that version.


no, i'm using the original version


oh...than I have no idea sorry :-/


i think that should be some monitor/gpu/driver problem changing the resolution

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