Any tips?
8 years ago
United States

Hey great video! I'll start typing as I go through it. 1-1: I noticed there were times where you could have used the regular dash off of ledges - remember that dashes are quicker when they are before a ledge, and slower than the quick jump-dash otherwise. I noticed you could probably improve your wall jumps a bit, there's a certain timing to get down - but you were really close to optimal on the wall jumps. Remember that after every dash from the ground off of a ledge you get another dash to do in the air. Combine this with a quick 'infinite dash' in certain situations this is pretty helpful. All in all a good level though! 1-2: near the beginning I noticed that you didn't do a dash off a ledge, - remember that dashes off of ledges is pretty much always faster. Also you can use the air dash to dodge enemy missles/rockets. Also, while climbing up walls, try to time it so that you don't do a ledge grab to go up. In most cases this slows you down. At ~1:22 you did a dash off of a ledge then a jump dash in the air, remember you can just dash without jumping there to save some time. In some cases dashing off ledges may not be faster if your next objective is to go up, for instance around 1:51 I think it might've been faster to not dash off the ledge there - I'm not sure if that's a case that works but there are definitely others. Everytime you do the downard dash, try to do a quick 1 time infinite dash before you land, this skips the recovery animation of landing. this was around 1:56. I have tutorial videos on youtube if you would like to check those out - You can go here to see them. Overall you are doing great! 1-3: Not much to say that I haven't akready. Looks good, it'll just take practice to learn the level more and optimize it and such 1-4: Apply some same stuff in the beginning like I talked about before. I noticed during the fight around 4:00 you attack the guys. You don't actually need to attack you can just use your air dashes to kill them all. ( and shurikens on ranged ) 1-5: nice use of the wall hug slide trick - not sure what to call that one. At 6:02 you don't need to go all the way to the left, you can jump from the platform up to the right to finish the level. Remember - most infinite dashes over enemies will perform that air attack downards 1-6: Ledge grabs are a bit slower while climbing walls. If you have the mindset: 'never jump off a ledge, always dash' it'll help, but like I said there are some cases where it might be a bit slower. At the launch pad at 6:48, you can do a regular land dash to the pad as long as you are the correct distance, that dash is faster until the end of it where it get's slower. Most of the wall jumps in here seem like you are hanging on the wall a bit too much, still - it's close to perfect. 1-7: Have you seen the video of this boss skip that I made? It's pretty difficult/chance heavy at the moment and not very worth it on normal difficulty so I wouldn't worry about it, just want to make you aware.

Overall really nice job, I don't know how long you have played or anything but you are definitely doing well! Keep it up and let me know if you have any more questions :D

EDIT: I just realized, are you Bridget4eva on youtube? if that's the case great job! you are learning really fast!

Edited by the author 8 years ago
United States

nice! well good luck to you running this game! I'll have to spend some time to look over these new videos. :D

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