When is Level 15 going to be added?
10 months ago
Texas, USA

When Level 15?

I am the person that made the page but I can't add it because Speedrun.com gave away my supermoderator to Silverman so I would add it but i can’t


Silverman is a bad owner imo

K8L1F3_YT likes this
United States

I apologize for this, but there isn't much anyone can do about it.

ya he kinda is he does nothing to the page

K8L1F3_YT, cruewall21, and psycheee like this
Ontario, Canada

It got added yay

Edited by the author 10 months ago
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New Big Scary Speedrunning Rules (located in the "leaderboards" tab)

Recently, W1llipet and the other moderators have set up new rules for Big Scary as the old ones weren't the best and needed an update. Please read them as will be using them when verifying runs from this point forward.

Some rules are going to cause a couple changes with the leaderboard, such as lev

5 days ago