Time to verify a run
6 years ago
United States

I'm still fairly new to speedrunning, and was wondering how long it can take for a run to be verified. I submitted a few runs 7 days ago and the two moderators have not logged in 9 days for one and +1 month for the other.

Guessing I just have to be patient and wait it out until one eventually logs on?

Edited by the author 6 years ago
United States

If it takes more than a month, it'd be fair to request mod status for yourself.


in 2 week if none of the moderator loged into the site, and contacting them did nothing, submit a message here https://www.speedrun.com/The_Site/thread/63nr7

United States

@Cuttyflame , What if a mod has been logging on the site, but only 1 out of the three, and it doesn't appear he checks the game anymore? Messaged them on twitch, made a forum post, still nothing. Hasn't been a full week, but I see that the mod has logged on more than once in the past 2 days.


Don't rely too much about logins, maybe the site is automatically open when he starts the browser and he has just better stuff to do than checking every day if there's something new. If your run wasnt accepted in 3 weeks and you tried contacting him, ask in the forum post Cuttyflame posted.