Vsync changes dialog speed
2 years ago

There are some level entry dialogs which are faster to advance through instead of holding "A" to skip (i.e. press "A" to advance and then "B" to skip remaining dialog).

I have been trying to incorporate these strats into my runs and I noticed that vsync causes dialog text to visibly render one character at a time while disabling vsync causes individual sentences to appear ~instantly.

I'm really not sure what the best strat is but I feel like playing with vsync enabled is the most consistent way to do fast dialog skips. This is because pressing "A" will fill out the current text box and the next "A" press will advance. So the combination of A, A, B will quickly get into levels with "fast dialog" (a single text box before the B prompt). On the other hand, if you play with vsync disabled then it can be very hard to predict when/how many times to press A.

TL;DR - I think it's best to enable vsync and use the button sequence A, A, B (on Xbox) to bypass dialog in levels like Deck and Chair Rental, and Sunshine Street.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
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Text speed turns out to be dependent on the (internal) framerate which can be limited in the nvidia control panel. I am currently playing with 200fps cap and vsync disabled.

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