Residential All Missions - Route
10 years ago

Here the route for Residential (Z - Zaibatsu, R - Rednecks, S - Scientists):

  1. (Z green top) Fire Truck Fun: Deathwarp on the train tracks and go to the Fire Truck. Leave Fire Truck at the Engineer Garage, take a quick car and start the mission. Get Cop Car at police station. On the way to Rednecks fry Zaibatsu(Scientists +4 at least), then fry Rednecks on the big bridge.
  2. (Z yellow right) Valdez Alert: Get quick car. Jump across roofs and on the last ramp jump on top of the building ledge. Run to the left and destroy generator with Molotovs. Jump down with car and drive to the last generator, kill guards if necessary. Go back to the point you were supposed to jump and finish mission.
  3. (S green left) Sink Or Swim: Find a Taxi Express and collect all guys. You might lure a Cop Car to the docks.
  4. (S yellow top) LaBrat´s Plan: -
  5. (Z green bottom) Science Friction: You might go across the big bridge.
  6. (S yellow bottom) Gran´pa We Love You: Honk to Grandpa behind the stairs, so the Rednecks won´t shoot you.
  7. (S green right) Fake Truce: Redneck respect should be at least -3 because else they will hit you hard. So shoot some Scientists after picking up phone and drive them over on the way(optionally). Also drive over Zaibatsu when you in the Village, Scientist respect should be at least +4 before completion. Get a wanted level by driving over civilians after collecting last group and lure cops inside the lab.
  8. (S red) Taxi Traitor Test: Navigate your car upstairs, use the ramp to jump left onto the wall during the test and drive back and forth to register the laps. After the test jump down to the yellow phones. First Taxi dies in water, for second one pick up Vehicle Mines on the way(not from car shop), with the third jump down from ramp onto trailer where the car shop is.
  9. (S yellow) Redneck Attack: Triger timer and get at least two loads of Vehicle Machine Guns. Then drive over one or two Redneck waves and head to Redneck territory. Shoot Rednecks until Zaibatsu respect is full. And drive to red Scientist phone. New(see (1)): After shooting Rednecks drive to the prison parking lot and put the Furore GT on the entrance of the prison by jumping out of the car before you hit the ramp.
  10. (S red) Water Carry On: If you have Rocket Launcher head to the Entrance of the Village where the Redneck car shop is and shoot the generator at about the first tree. Then go to the pink marker and get out of car to finish mission. Alternatively destroy generator with Molotovs from the stairs in the north, no need to go to Village entrance in this case.
  11. (Z yellow left) Operation Z: Get Truck Cab later on the way.
  12. (Z red) Murder In The Mall: Get a quick car and get at least 5 loads of Vehicle Machine Guns. Go to the mall and shoot Scientists until you have negative respect. After that shoot them with the car, while driving in circles around the parked cars. When you have about 20 left leave the mall and shoot the rest on the way.
  13. (Z yellow) Law Enforcement Larceny: Drive over civilians on the way. --see mission 14. alternate strat: Waste the flamethrower until you have not much left while killing police.--
  14. (Z red) Distraction Action: Get to the entrance and on top of the stairs. Kill the cop(s) if necessary and shoot the generator with the rocket launcher. Then get back to your car and head straight to the main entrance that should be open now and enter the Truck Cab. --alternate strat: If no rocket launcher available, go to the edge and empty the Flamethrower(hold fire button) until your guy makes strange movements and press jump. Now fly to the legde with the antenna and destroy the generator(you need Molotovs for the flying glitch and it only works with Shotgun, Falmethrower, Dual Pistols and Silenced Machine Gun. The weapon needs to be right before the Molotovs), then jump down and go to the Truck Cab with the FBI car.-- Ditch it immediately and grab a Cop Car, then drive outside and pick up cop bribe down south. Now you have two alternatives: (1) If you managed to get the Furore GT to the entrance of the prison earlier, then first drive to the parking lot next to the place where you will destroy the wall in the mission "Blow Job" and get the Furore GT close to this wall, but so that there is enough distance later, so it doesn´t explode. After that get a Z-Type and drive to the green Redneck phones. (2) If you couldn´t get the Furore GT to the entrance, then grab it here and drive to the prison and jump on the left side into it(use handbrake on the edge that throws you back). Leave the car a bit south of the point where you spawn in the Penal Ties mission and kill yourself(of course after mission complete). Now dependend on wether you managed to park the Furore Gt at the entrance(1) or not(2) you have two different routes.
  1. (R yellow) Benson Burner: Get the Truck Cab at the place you picked up Grandpa or the black Truck Cab in the north. When finishing, grab a Cop Car.
  2. Final Job: Drive straight to the Mall and jump across the roofs to the Invulnerability. Kill all bosses and head to the Exit!
Edited by the author 6 years ago
Louisiana, USA

Hey, I got your message haha.

I recently started putting in attempts for Residential All Missions. Here is the route I was using.

  1. Redneck - Green Top
  2. Redneck - Yellow bottom
    • Death warp at end of mission
  3. Scientist - Green Right
  4. Scientist - Green Left
  5. Scientist - Yellow Bottom
  6. Scientist - Yellow Extra
  7. Scientist - Yellow Top
  8. Redneck - Yellow Extra
  9. Redneck - Green Bottom
  10. Redneck - Yellow Top
    • Kill Rednecks during trailer segment
  11. Zaibatsu - Green Top
  12. Zaibatsu - Yellow Left
  13. Zaibatsu - Yellow Extra
  14. Zaibatsu - Green Bottom
  15. Scientist - Red One
  16. Scientist - Red Two
    • May have to kill rednecks
  17. Zaibatsu - Yellow Right
  18. Zaibatsu - Red One
  19. Zaibatsu - Red Two
  20. Redneck - Red One
  21. Redneck - Red Two

Leaving a car at the prison is a novel idea. Thank God for that skip because that mission is a pain.


The skip is actually still the hardest part of the run, unfortunately. If you fail getting the car inside the prison, it will waste more time retrying it than just do it the regular way. Also getting the car outside is not so easy too, especially the jump down to the ramp.

Another thing what i learned from my 100% run is that shooting gang members for respect wastes a whole lot of time. In Downtown and Industrial it is probably best to just complete all missions for each gang in sequence and only kill gang members for respect two times. In Residential the Zaibatsu and Scientist missions fit quite well together and you shouldn´t ever have the need to get outside your car and waste time shooting gang members. If necessary it can be all done on the way driving them over or during a timed mission.

Btw if you start with the the top green Redneck mission, there´s a trick to get the Z-Type at the start. Wait until the Redneck has shot down the Scientist and then immediately run left to the street. Don´t forget to jump because the Z-Man will try to drive over the Redneck.

Louisiana, USA

Yeah, I just tried that skip for the prison. Took me about 20 tries lol. You're right, it's a really hard trick. Also, if you swap cars too many times before the mission, the car disappears. I think I'm going to forgo it during my attempts for now. At least until I get better at it haha.

As for the gang respect, when I came up with my route I took two things into consideration.

  1. Where the mission ended and what phone it was near.
  2. What your respect level would be.

With the route I'm using, there are only one or two times you will have to waste time killing gang members, and when you do, they are either on the route or close by when the mission ends.

Taking the Z car at the beginning is perfect. I can't believe I didn't think of it... lol


I tested the skip and counted about 12-15 car swaps while doing the missions in order and the car still was there. Cars from traffic usually despawn, are you sure it was a car from a parking lot?


Might as well post some time references for Residential:

I have Zaibatsu + Scientist missions mixed up which should take about 40 mins, maybe less and Redneck missions + finishing level around 19 or 20 mins, so in total a little below 1h, if everything works out.


Finally finished a run without mission fails, in 1:02:14. The first half up until "Murder In The Mall" was amazing, but then everything went bad. Note the game glitches out on the "Final Job", it doesnt show any messages.

Accidently picked up Shotgun by driving over Rednecks in "Granpa We Love U" mission and not noticing it until it was too late, wasting half a minute. Then failied to get a car into the prison which meant doing "Penal Ties" regularly, losing over a minute. Also got the Z-Type damaged and needed to change it, wasting another half minute and derping around before and on the way in "Penal Ties" which probably was another 30s lost. And additionaly got bad luck with tank road block spawns in "Tanks-Giving", so I took the safe route, wasting another 20s.


Here some little tutorial on the "Penal Ties" skip:

1.) Get a fast car from a parking lot and get inside the prison. (Hold "handbrake" button while you are on the part which throws you back and only press other buttons to navigate after you let go)

2.) Park the car about here and die with Molotovs/Rocket Launcher. [IMG][/IMG]

3.) After you start mission and get inside the prison, take the car across the stairs to this point and leave the prison.

Noticed this safe (and obvious) way of leaving the prison just now, after some practising.

Also tested if it really is faster to teleport with Wang Car #2. I got a time of about 40 secs driving with the police car from the red phone to the Benson, while teleporting should be 10-15 secs faster if you get a good car immediately. So this is definitely worth it even if you get a slow car.

Louisiana, USA

In my route, I was thinking about teleporting with the Wang Car on the first Redneck red phone mission since it puts you in the Scientist area immediately. By the way, that prison trick is super tough. When I was trying it I got it in one 1 out of 20 attempts lol. You make it look so easy.

Also, I watched your run of this district. When I was doing attempts, I had the time pegged at around 1h20m, and somehow you managed to shave off 20 minutes o_o. And that car grab at round 10:30 was slick. I like to imagine you jumped in through the sunroof while drop kicking the driver out of the door hahaha.


Yeah I don´t do it because I have the Scientist car which is the fastest there and I have to destroy them anyway in that mission.

About the skip: :It´s a matter of practise I guess, I got it 6 times in a row once in practise and normally probably around 60%. Too bad I completely messed it up in my run, I pressed right when i held the handbrake, that mistake killed the sub 1h. :(

I had the run estimated at 1:20h too at first, but when I started doing attempts it turned out to be much faster to my surprise. Now it looks more like a 58 minute run. And heh that car it was a gift from heaven, good my reflexes didn´t fail on me. xD

Also now that I think about it, why didnt I just go to the Z-Village for Zaibatsu cars at first red Redneck mission, they spawn in masses there, also I could have shot some Zaibatsu for at least -2Scientist respect and again driven over the big bridge and jump to the red phones... damn. lol


About the "Penal Ties" skip... you can actually make it pretty easy if you park the car at the entrance outside of the prison instead and then in the mission, running on foot through the prison roofs and jump down.. lol.

This spares you the hard part, getting the car into the prison. It is 15 seconds slower, but you may gain time from not killing yourself. Good that obvious things come pretty late.


So I managed to complete a run in 57:22, although failed to do the new strats, which I updated in the first post. It was very ugly, but because some things went well the time is still somewhat acceptable.

Major time losses were failing to get the Furore GT to the prison entrance, which costed me 15 secs because i was late for the next mission. Getting the car to the prison entrance also would avoid the need to get a Z-Type in the "Greatest Hits" mission, which costed me 40 seconds extra. Also would safe 5-10 seconds getting the Furore GT after "Blow Job" and the time wasted to get Rocket Launcher in "Tanks Giving". Without those mistakes a 55 min. run looks very possible with the new optimizations.

Lighnat0r likes this

Seriously, F U C K these edit options... they are worthless. :/

Bavaria, Germany

I fixed the bug that occurred when using the [u​rl][/u​rl] tags on urls that are otherwise embedded but seriously, why were you even using the tags?

Molotok likes this

Thanks for fixing. I used them, because this is how it usually works on other forums. There is nothing indicating me what to use, not even a little menu or something.

Bavaria, Germany

Well links/images/videos are handled automatically. I know we still need to add ui for bbcode but the site is still in beta for a reason. And because it's not really used or missed by 99% of users there are lots more important things that will be done first.


Here a video for demonstrating the "new" Penal Ties skip (option 1 in the route description):


Route update for mission #14 "Distraction Action": Instead of the flying glitch you can destroy the generator with the rocket launcher from the top of the stairs. Then run back to your car and drive through the main entrance because it is open now.


During the first part of 'Taxi Traitor Test', after the first lap, you can use the ramp to jump on the wall. Then just drive forward and back a bit and it will always count as complete lap. This saves 30 seconds.

Molotok likes this

Indeed it works, nice find! And in case you do some attempts, look up the updated rules if you haven´t yet.

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