livesplit problem
8 months ago

I'm a new person to portal speedrun, I got the latest version of livesplit and automatic timing files, but my livesplit keeps shows "there is no auto splitter available for this game" and I try the Em0nky in the announcement,I can‘t find the key option for “On Game Time and Auto Splitting”,So I have been unable to automatically keep time and fail to split levels.My English is not good,sry for that.

"there is no auto splitter available for this game" will only show up if you input the wrong game name into the "Game Name" box. It should just be "Portal".


nope even if its portal for the game it still says that there is no autosplitter available

join the discord server and go to #help


already did that nobody answered


Hey, I have the same problem and I have right the good name in the Game Box, but I can't go on the discord server. Can we help me please ?

Texas, USA

just type it in like this then hit the "activate" button


Yes, Thank you, I understand, but I've not the button

Texas, USA

hmm thats weird maybe try downloading the "portal splits" in resources tab because those have the autosplitter already activated


I already tried with this file but the problem stay here

South Korea

maybe download sourcesplit manually

thanks for the info
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Starting today, runs that require video proof (top 25) and runs beyond that where video is the only form of proof, now require audio, as recording audio for only the game is now a native OBS feature.

2 months ago