Discord for the Doritos games?
4 years ago
West Virginia, USA

Hello! I thought since both Doritos games have a somewhat active community that it would be a good idea to make a server for these games. Thoughts?


If one does not already exist, I would love to see it made! Both myself and a friend of mine were thinking of picking up the game to run

Hey was there ever a discord? Kinda want to speedrun the game and I want to do it with people. It sounds fun to race with other people on the game.

United States

Just made one! Join here: https://discord.gg/rfJT29MN

Bobthemedic, Mischievous, and thai like this

Hey, does the discord still exist?

Massachusetts, USA

Hey the discord link has expired could I receive one?

Massachusetts, USA

Ty very much!

Pennsylvania, USA

The invite is expired is there a new invite please

Napuc likes this
Virginia, USA


mitchpopo likes this
United States

https://discord.gg/MpjzdxnJ @Napuc @Jdubttv5913 expires in a week, I don’t have permanent invite perms. Come join though!!

Texas, USA

theres also a dcc2 game now

New York City, NY, USA

yo we don't care

New York City, NY, USA
Deleted by the author
United States

Heres a permanent link https://discord.gg/ZE5VJAhpaj

Bobthemedic and XrCyclone like this