Pausing when you're not supposed to
9 years ago

Any one have experience time when you shouldn't be able to open start menu and open it ? (rando army fight, etc.) ?

Any idea how to reproduce it?

United States

I think it has something to do with the soup pot where you're driving a forklift, or at least that's something that can cause it. I've watched studio do runs where at the end he was pausing inbetween rando army fights to heal.

California, USA

has anyone found anything conclusive about this? im pretty interested how to do it and whats its potential practicality could be

California, USA

I haven't tested anything yet, but I have a theory it may have to do with the "you got an empty bottle" dialogue that pops up after using a bottled item (soup, water, booze, etc.). Gundog92 discovered this dialogue box can be used to skip the Cosmo fight (dude that chases you with a knife before Rakeem) by using it right before he collides with you, so i think it has the potential to break other stuff as well.

United States

I think we can use getting drunk to our advantage. If there's a way to trigger any random fights before bulldozer (one that's close) and get Birdie drunk, I imagine we could force a "Birdie has sobered up" message to appear.

United States

Can confirm the cosmo skip, , can't think of any similar applications, but if we can figure out the pausing anywhere glitch we could see some more skips.

California, USA

here's the only vod im aware of that contains the menu glitch in contruction. trying to figure out what it is exactly that studio does here

United States

Hasn't been posted in, but we've already figured out the cause as of a few days ago. Here's a video I made demonstrating why this glitch occurs:

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