E Raying not working with sodium
2 years ago

Whenever I try and use sodium, somehow my max value on the entity counter is about 12-15. The maximum entities shown are much greater than the M+C value so I do know that the bastion is present but I'm not able to locate it using E-raying. Entity culling is off, entity distance is at 500%, and the only other mods I have are lithium and phosphor (all with Fabric).

Now when I remove sodium from my mods folder, everything works fine - E raying works and I am able to locate bastions. Does anyone have any idea why this might be the case?

New South Wales, Australia

Bad seed

MinecraftGaming and landus like this
United States

Make sure you are using the right version of sodium. You should be using this version: https://github.com/mrmangohands/sodium-fabric/releases/tag/mc1.16.1-0.2.0%2Bbuild.17 I've had an issue with e ray not working with sodium installed only to find out that I had the wrong version installed for about a month straight.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
RandomGuy2k14 likes this
Washington, USA

You have to turn of entity culling, I had the same problem for ages when I watched a video that said entity culling had to be off

United States

the new version of sodium doesnt need entity culling to be off anymore, also he already has has it off

updating sodium worked... thanks!