What Glitches have been found/used?
8 years ago
Queensland, Australia

So I looked into this game a long time ago. I found some things but didn't like the grind that I suspected was in the run.

So, what major glitches have been found, whether used in runs or not used?

When I looked it up I completed a routing run to see the lowest level I could complete the game at. I gained Dren's 'invincibility' and finished the game at a character level around 9-13 (i really cant remember but I could look it up if I plugged my PS3 back in). Unfortunately this slowed the game down tremendously as fighting against red opponents is just sssoooo sssllllooooowwwww.

There were some XP farming methods but again these were very grindy.

I found some cases of useless wall glitches but nothing I could use in a run.

Has anyone found others? Has anyone tried anything similar to using Dren invincibility or is it just too slow?

TBH I am no longer interested in running this, but since I put in the time previously I was curious to see what had been found.


The fastest runs we have in the boards are not very grindy, as you put it. For a good time, you have to always be moving. The run is definitely all about the routing, with little emphasis on glitches. I'd suggest watching one of the quicker ones, when you have time!

The glitches and skips we do use are minor, such as skipping miniboss cutscenes by looking away (lol yep), and hitting certain main quest timings to minimize NPC interaction.

Tell us more about the Dren glitch! Sounds interesting!

Queensland, Australia

The Dren glitch is as follows:

Play the game as per 'normal' and get to the Pride before a Fall quest where you need to kill Dren.

Prior to getting there, make sure your character acquires some vampiric attack buffs. There are 3 potions of vampiric damage and a sword/dagger in Rathir. These are likely not the best options available, would need to search around. The higher the vampiric damage, the better.

So, go to Dren, talk and fight (do not at any time initiate the request to drop the magic shields).

Basically, the magical shields on your character and Dren's will block out >99% of all damage, except vampiric damage. Use the vampiric weapon and use the vampiric potions when you can do max damage to Dren. This fight will still likely take about 2-3 minutes (might be able to get time down with better vampiric items as more vampiric = more damage).

Dren will keep trying to talk to you, keep going back to fighting without dropping the shields. When you kill him, you will keep your shield for the rest of the game making you 'invincible' (it also looks cool).

So basically you can keep the shield and only take minimal damage for the rest of the run. You can finish the game at a super-low level, killing many many higher level enemies.

The issues for a speedrun - killing enemies who are red-named takes WAY TOO LONG. And on top of this, the whole end of the game is unavoidably killing enemies.

If someone can find a way to kill high-level enemies quicker, this may be a viable strat for the speedrun as the 3 minutes taken to kill Dren can be saved by skipping a huge bunch of XP from killing enemies.

Hope this helps develop a new strat :)

Edited by the author 8 years ago
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