Notes on timing
3 years ago

Two things will be implemented for now but are up for discussion:

  1. The time for the end of an episode will be refined from "when the to be continued screen appears" to "when the screen is visible or the crack of thunder signalling it is audible". Due to the known problem with animation duping, it is possible (and I just managed it) to dupe the final cutscene and overwrite the to-be-continued screen. IMO, it is preferable to allow checking for the sound effect as well, as the animation dupe is still poorly understoof and not under the runner's control. Once we understand it better, this can be re-addressed.

  2. I brought up with thewoofs, but am looking for further opinions, that we should start timing from the first meaningful input of the run. There are no real cycles to take into account, and right now the amount of delay before the gameplay starts is somewhat random. A clean restart of the game straight into a new game is usually reliably instant, but also, there is no reason to start fiddling with constantly resetting runs for optimal start menu RNG when nothing meaningful is changed by starting timing on the first input.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
thewoofs likes this

I've added in #1 to the full game and IL rules for now. In this case, it affects only one run so far, so it is an easy decision to revert if good reason is found not to make that change.

I'll give #2 a couple of days; I'm not expecting a lot of people to post arguments for or against it but once there's a sense of community consensus for it (or community silence), I'll change the rule and retime the available runs.

thewoofs likes this
New York, USA

Happy with both suggestions. If there's any variations with load ins we should eliminate that so we have a fair playing field for everyone, so this looks all good my side.


I'll be updating the rules and retiming the runs now.

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