Possible time save
4 years ago
Nevada, USA

At the last section of the game (forest 3), three teleports occur as you're walking regardless of the direction you travel (for example you can go backward and still get teleported to the next checkpoint). The teleport triggers are linked to the radial distance you travel away from your initial coordinates, which get reset after each teleport.

This is important because walking downhill appears to be faster than walking up an incline, and straight lines are faster than turning. Basically, it should be faster to choose to walk a straight-as-possible line, downhill, each stretch in between teleportation instead of following the expected path to the river crossing and up the hill to the body. The current WRs particularly waste time walking up the long sloped ramp before the last teleport instead of going the opposite direction downhill.

Edit: After quick testing, I believe going the opposite direction should be faster in each of the three instances before being teleported because the intended path is uphill to a degree the entire time. After teleporting three times you walk to the camera to end the game as usual. Note: Forward movement is significantly faster than side/backwalking, at least on Switch. If turning around wastes the time this trick would save then we might have to settle for aiming a straight line forward for the first two stretches, and for the third stretch just walk left of the ramp instead of going up it. With a mouse I bet this won't be an issue though...

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Ecgtheow and Droogie4Ever like this
Nevada, USA

Two more things, really minor at the moment:

  1. When you shoot the gun your reach increases briefly. For example you can stand just beyond highlight range of the ketchup bottle, shoot the gun, and when the muzzle flashes you will be able to squeeze the bottle where you couldn't before. I guess it doesn't hurt to use this when you're approaching an interactive item but the timing is so tight it's not likely to save you time, though it won't lose any to try. This does not alter your position permanently so it won't boost you forward (yet). I wonder in the camera item has a similar effect when you zoom/take a photo...

  2. You can also reach items from further away if you have them placed left/right of center view. Stand in front of an item just beyond highlight range and turn left and right, it'll highlight when you're looking ~45 degrees away from it.

The second method can save a little time over the course of the run, and you can combine both methods when picking up the camera at the end of the game.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Droogie4Ever likes this
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