Solas Runs
2 years ago

One of the cards for the near BiS card set can be gotten as a quest reward from the main story around level 30 ( reward right after drama cliff ).

In KR there is a thing called "Solas runs" where you make a new character, speed to this point, use the card then delete the character.

Could be a good category and maybe become a resource for people that want to farm out the set.

BabouTheOcelot and fearme like this
New York, USA

I can confirm that this would be a nice category, since practically anyone will run it 15 times and I want more info as to what class to run and if there are any strats to make it take less time to get this set for my main

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Lost ark Speedrun Editing

Hi. I'm a new moderator of lost ark. a few things have been added to this game.


  • all dungeons
  • inferno mode
  • some achievements run

(work in progress)

  • An all achievements run :: This one is a bit tricky. Some achievements would just take way too long to get, so those ones need
2 years ago