SMB1 Speedrun of the decade
United States

imo first 4:56 bc literally a few weeks before darb got it people thought it was humanly impossible

edit: or maybe andrewg's first ever sub-5 bc i think that was 2011 and thats a really pog milestone

Edited by the author 5 years ago
LDAMAN, KilleDragon and 4 others like this
United States

human sum of best was like 4:56.6 or .5 at the time and it wasn't thought to be humanly impossible. Also that's not a great metric. Let's say somehow there's a new trick that saves 4 seconds and someone gets a 4:53 with it. It would be a time that was previously thought to be literally impossible, but not speedrun of the decade.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Pear, imnotmario and 3 others like this
United States

whoops, sorry lol. my bad

KilleDragon likes this
New Hampshire, USA

IMO it should be Andrew's 4:59 back in 2010 because it's both a big milestone in smb1 speedrunning and it broke the 5m barrier. And might be the last "minute-barrier-breaker" (:P sorry for the bad name) for smb1 any%.

Unless some sort of ACE is found it is most definitely the last minute barrier.

Cookie1284, LDAMAN and 2 others like this
Alabama, USA

What's ACE? I've heard it mentioned like one time ever

KilleDragon likes this
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
5 years ago

arbitrary code execution

United Kingdom

either a) 4:55.913 because of 9th attempt clutchness or b ) andrewg's 4:59 because of how big the sub 5 milestone was and still is

Edited by the author 5 years ago
United States

Kosmics 455 hands down.

Virginia, USA

Or the first ever 4:54 which is yet and inevitable to happen

Ottawa, ON, Canada

the og post literally says 2010-2019 also why are you posting on a year old thread

Why can't he?


'Cause we don't necro posts that aren't relevant anymore

okay whatever lmao


Mine was Kosmic's 1st 18:59 at Warpless!! I was so shocked at that moment that his practice in a few weeks, or maybe months were paid off.

Virginia, USA

Imo speedrun of the decade is unquestionably niftski’s 4:54.948

SummerPi314159, CrabbyCrab101 and 2 others like this
Staffordshire, England

Probrably Niftski's 4:54 or kosmic's 4:55.913.

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Just wanted to announce a new change to timing methods for both 11x categories. The new timing standards are as follows:

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  • Timing ends on grabbing the axe on the 11th run.
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