Basic Category Rule Set and Interim Rules for Early Access PoE2
2 months ago
United States

Hey everyone,

So I wanted to give a brief overview of the basic rule set in a short form. There will be a longer rule document forthcoming. There will be interim rules as needed to address any Early Access issues.

Timer Use:

  • Real Time Timer is required
  • Timer Start: When character first moves from starting position after standing up
  • Timer End: When goal boss dies/quest banner pop up occurs (both occur at same time)

Freshness Requirement (Interim Rule In Effect):

  • Basic Principle: Runs must be fresh
  • Eventual Rule: Must show migrate all before run start to ensure freshness of run
  • Interim Rule: Migrate all currently does not work in Early Access as a result, players should show prior to run start using a different character that:
  • They have zero gold
  • Their stash tabs are empty by going to stash and going through tabs to show they are empty

Solo Requirement:

  • All runs must be solo. To enforce this, players must complete runs in SSF or SSFHC

/deaths requirement:

  • Only required if you want you're run to have a deathless annotation. If not included/not in HC mode, will be treated as a runs with deaths

Passives/Stat Quest Requirements:

  • Runs should include all permanent stat buffs and passive points available to player at time of run end
  • Must show quest log/hover zones on world interface to show completion of the various optional quests for passives/permanent stat boosts at end of run
  • Only if a run category/format EXPLICITLY states that it is an any % are completion of the passive point/stat points not required.

Ascendancy Requirement:

  • Runs should include ascending where applicable
  • A3 Pts run will require obtaining at least 2 ascendancy points
  • A6 Pts runs will require obtaining at least 4 ascendancy points
  • Must show ascendancy tree at end of run where ascending is applicable
  • Only if a run category/format EXPLICITLY states that it is an any % OR it is not possible to ascend within the run length is ascension not required

Leniency Principle:

  • As PoE2 is still and Early Access, categories/rules are still being figured out, and runs are starting to be completed, there will obviously be some issues that crop up. As a matter of principle, during this period the mods will try to err on the side of leniency about issues with runs. We will also be adding an 'unofficial' class as a filter to allow anyone who might not otherwise meet the run requirements to still get runs verified/approved in an unofficial capacity as there may be some issue with their run (for example, starting with 3000 gold)
Edited by the author 2 months ago
Lundburgerr and Angormus like this

Do we care about finding Renly's tools? And if not can we use the salvage bench at any time still?

Sandro71 and fifus92 like this
Małopolskie, Poland

Please consider SSF not being required for now, because there is no migrate -> my main chars are on ssf I speedrun on standard. Considering 0gold - weird to show that on different character -> we can show inventory before character stands up and you see gold there? , also in a1 runs you dont really click stash ever.

The only other solution for now would be:

a) wipe my 200h progress in EA

b) spend 30$ for another account

Edited by the author 2 months ago
Sandro71, rafasoldier and 2 others like this

I agree with Fifus. I also have only ssf chars, and it's better for me, when I start speedrun on standard chars where i have empty gold and stash

Edited by the author 2 months ago
Lolliprop likes this
United States

Temporarily, I am fine with allowing/verifying runs on trade while migrate all is down. But any such run on trade must be solo. This is NOT the intended rule moving forward, but in conjunction with leniency principle, it makes sense given some of the hurdles present in EA. Players must still conform to zero gold/empty stash rule. Failure to comply with the zero gold/empty stash rule will result in run being moved to unofficial class filter if no items from stash/no gold greater than gold earned during run was used. Using items from stash or exceeding gold earned during run will result in rejection of run. Trading or grouping in any way will result in rejection of run

Edited by the author 2 months ago
Angormus, koliber91, and fifus92 like this
Paraná, Brazil

100% agree with fifus92. Its ill prove the skill for speedrun without itens depends.

koliber91 likes this

Hey Balaar, I agree with most of the rules, but since we don’t have a migrate yet, could we consider slightly more relaxed rules for now? For example, allowing less than <10g should be fine, right? Also, the rule about showing the stash tab feels a bit unreasonable. I can’t possibly show all my 100 stashes before every run—it’s just not practical.

I want to submit some runs to help motivate and grow the speedrun meta, but the current rules make it feel less fun to participate. Having to spend 5 minutes prepping before every run just to comply with the rules seems excessive.

videohab likes this

It's trivial getting gold down to zero, your stash showing character can keep wisdoms and transmute shards/skill gems. Wisdoms sell for 2g, shards for 1g. Since there's no migration, if you don't show your stash, you could have anything in there, it's the only way to ensure fairness currently, if you want an official run.

Edited by the author 2 months ago
Sandro71 likes this

I think with these set of rules it is not runable , also there should be category for twink leveling in ssf and hc ssf , there should be categories with : Fresh start , hc , standard , twink : hc and standard .


I completely disagree with having to show stash tabs, it makes it a pain to send back to back runs. It's already really annoying to have to reset gold every run as well.

Could we change the rule so that players cannot use stash at all? This way no one would have to show their stash because they can't use it anyway. At least for A1 it would work just fine. I'm sure it would add a bit of an interesting problem to solve for the longer runs too.

Edited by the author 2 months ago
United States

I am going to be making a post later, but yeah jeuk (and others who have brought up point such as dex) essentially the rule until migrate all is working will either be show tabs or don't use stash at all

Sandro71 and Jeukbox like this

Hello Would using a "Check" character to show the stash and gold before starting the run with another character work?

Lolliprop likes this
Sardinia, Italy

Sandro71 Yes, thats what pretty much everyone does at the moment

Sardinia, Italy

Do we have to grab renly's tools in the orcarm village? is that considered a quest we have to complete

Lundburgerr likes this
California, USA

I tried grabbing once after the initial time and it did nothing

Sardinia, Italy

Is there a discord dedicated to poe speedrunning somewhere? i think it'd be nice to discuss strats and just to have a place for the speedrunning community to chat

United States PoE Community Racing Discord, used for racing and speedrunning stuff for PoE1 and PoE2. Put the link to discord on the PoE2 boards interface as well as it wasn't there yet

Edited by the author 2 months ago
Angormus and Lolliprop like this


I would like to make a suggestion similar to the “deathless” annotation, but for the use of a controller.

There could be two options for the input method:

  • Mouse + Keyboard

  • Controller


Due to hand problems, unfortunately I can't play with a mouse for a long time. That's why I use a controller (on the PC).

Unfortunately, this leads to numerous impairments compared to playing with a mouse and makes you significantly slower in direct comparison. There are currently the following (major) disadvantages:

  • Inventory and menu management is a disaster

  • Opening menus always pauses the game (so you can't open the inventory or skills while running)

  • When changing zones, there is always a prompt for instance selection, even in SSF and if it is the first instance for the area

I realize that this is probably a personal problem, but due to the otherwise good support for controllers in PoE2, I assume that a clear labeling of the input method would also give other speedrunners on consoles a motivation to participate. And there probably was a big influx of new PoE console players that for now realistically can't compete.

It doesn't have to be a separate category, but a label like “deahtless” would be great and apart from the one-time effort to set up such a label, I don't see any disadvantages?

I have a (deathless) run with Ranger for 1:16 with a controller, but I'm hesitant to submit because it can't keep up in direct comparison.

What do you guys think?

Edited by the author 2 months ago
United States

Thats a great suggestion Toolshed, I'll implement the annotation. Slightly changed it to include input/movement type selection for KBM to have Mouse, WASD along with Controller for input

Edited by the author 2 months ago
Małopolskie, Poland

I wonder what is the stance of mods on timing method?

Loading screen take ages on worse PCs (/played is 2-3min lower than RTA in a1 runs on my case) while some runners have like 30s difference here. /played seems like a "more fair" comparison, because it takes away loading screen time, but it starts before character stands up (cant check rights know if it starts before picking control method) also pretty sure it counts time in situations when user still have loading screen but can move character around in towns :)

I would suggest to atleast include second timing method (IGT) when posting runs (check diablo2 category) and maybe later to debate RTA vs IGT as main timing method?

videohab likes this