Notifications if we get boosted please?
2 years ago
United Kingdom

This new ability for supporters to gift boosts to people in their communities is nice and all, but it would be even nicer if the people getting the boosts had some way of hearing about it.

Seriously, the only place the site lets you know about it if you:

  • Go into settings for your user profile
  • Scroll down to the bottom, to the section for supporters only, and click on "boosts".

Why would anyone who wasn't a supporter even go here to check?

And even then, it doesn't say which community the boost was from! I only checked this because someone said they'd given out boosts, and now I have a boost I don't know if it was them who gave it to me!

Edit: I know that there is an option in notifications for if you are the recipient of a boost. This was on by default and I never turned it off, but I don't see any notifications...

Diedit oleh penulis 2 years ago
KaweedFul, discranola dan 8 lainnya menyukai ini
British Columbia, Canada

Would be nice to see who got my boosts too, boosted a game with only 3 active runners and 8 runners total, and so in theory everyone should have gotten a sub when I used the four I had? but there is no indication that anything happened when I boosted.

Twitch for example shows who received gift subs, maybe the boosts tab should show a history of boosts and who received them?

KaweedFul, discranola, dan YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini