Ghost Diamond?
4 years ago
Florida, USA

So I had a rather interesting glitch happen to me in attempts last night. Apparently this is possible in the SNES version as well according to a member of chat and could be a nasty run-ending glitch, but it didn't completely break my run and I was able to finish 5 minutes behind PB. Figured it should be documented here, maybe we can figure out how ghost diamonds are created and if there's any possible glitches we can exploit out of it.



This happened to @Kat_kunoichi a long tme ago, but it clipped into the grass (sort of looked the same). I forget exactly what caused it, so maybe she can remember and tell you, but as far as I remember anyway it was just a graphical glitch and we couldn't figure out anything to do with it. D:

Florida, USA

This wound up being more than a graphical glitch this time around. An illegal clear happened as a result of the glitch (cleared away two bombs as a bomb I held overlapped with where the ghost diamond was placed, game showed an explosion over almost the entire row deleting nonexistent pieces) as well as one color not going away completely; despite having completely deleted blue from the level, the fairy continued to spawn in blue bombs.


Ah that's cool. I was watching @Acmlm stream earlier (March 1st) and if you check their VOD, they showcased a script and also talked about some of their TAS findings (but you can check it for maybe some more information). Maybe where the bug happens in terms of position matters.

It seems the bug regardless has some pretty adverse side effects in what he showed off related to it, so I'm again not sure it can have any kind of beneficial use. Maybe, though!

Edited by the author 3 years ago
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