New category (live and show hands)
5 months ago

I think we've reached the (human) maximum time in Final Fight, and I also think it will be important going forward for players to do their runs in a live environment and show their hands during matches. What do you think?


Hi there, I think we need at minimum require INP archive for all the runs that reaches 18 minutes or less. Coop or solo. For Coop, Fightcade with replay on the site and Gotvg the .tvg file are enough I think. For Parsec, the INP archive must do it.


Yes, that's a good idea too. Emulators possible to register in files, without cheating: Fightcade (site), Gotvg (.tvg), Wolfmame (inp) and Kaillera (krec)

I agree with the ideas! offline recordings may have changes, save state or TAS. 
I would like moderators to require the aforementioned emulators from now on, for the good of the community, I would like a category (Playing in Live), showing hands with these mentioned emulators, in all beat em up games (cadillac, Captain Commando...). 
If it's difficult and you need help creating categories, we can help!
I think wolfmame's INP file is 100% anti-fraud (until proven otherwise) and I don't think there is a need for so many requirements at the moment. I congratulate the moderation for the efforts made to improve the community, but I think it is better to require INP files also for races that needed to be moved, I say this because I just remade a race (17:19 wolfmame 1cc cody) and I believe that Hoover will agree to redo his races too, since that he is a great player and wants to see the good of the community. 

I propose using wolfmame 0.106 for races that require turbo and version 0.269 for races without turbo, since this version does not have a native turbo and does not accept external programs such as joytokey or xpadder. I count on your support.

Thanks in advance.


I think that the fairest way is to make a package with the emulator and the rom and only with this play this mode, in addition to filming your hands, use a program that shows the income, like the keypersecond that many use, oh and another thing Can only those who have games under 18 minutes play this mode?


A Package with emulator and rom is a good idea! And maybe redo all the runs on the rules too. If necessary I can redo alI my runs. We need to analyze it by chars, 18 min is to Cody, 20 or 19 min to Haggar and Guy I think.

MSG likes this
Minas Gerais, Brazil

I also like the idea of ​​the INP file. We can define a package as everyone commented and whoever submits it uses this Emu+Rom=INP package. The INP file must be mandatory.

MSG likes this
Minas Gerais, Brazil

Apoio as ideias!! É um ganho para a comunidade!

Minas Gerais, Brazil

I find this tip to use the wolfmame 0.106 version for races using turbo very interesting, as the version accepts this configuration. It is also interesting to use the wolfmame 0.269 version for races without using turbo as this version does not accept the turbo configuration. This would help the moderators' audit to identify whether the race uses turbo or not.


I want to ask some things that bother me

1- turbo can be added to the wolfmame

2- the turbo is only for the jab or it can be for the special

3- the wolfmame that they talk about so much I see that it has the most accessible recording and playback options but the mame also has them, they just have to use commands, both are the same only that one has the most accessible options, there is not a big difference

4- Wolfmame does accept quickload and quicksave but I see that they say no


Hi MSG 1 - wolfmame 0.106 has native turbo, but you can add xpadder or joytokey if you wish... wolfmame 0.269 does not accept joytokey, xpadder or has native turbo, but if you have a controller with turbo, people can use it, the moderation will analyze and denied the video in this case.

2 - I think turbo can be used on the special, at least in the "turbo" category, on the "no turbo" I think is proibited.

3 - Wolfmame and Mame is almost the same, Wolfmame has just a higher security for runners.

4 - Wolfmame accepts save and load in the default option, but if you start to record the functions will be blocked: pause, save, load etc.

FelipeNascimento83, NardimLH and 2 others like this

One super useful but unobserved thing is the Motorola MC68000 processor, which had 2 editions, the 10 MHz and the 12 MHz. By default, Mame runs Final Fight with 10 MHz, but there were arcades with the 12 MHz version, which represents an advantage in computing processing. We all know that the game works poorly in some parts, especially when it is saturated with enemies and more if we do speedrun, I propose that the frequency of the processor can be adjusted to 12 MHz, I just tested it and the game works more fluidly but it is not exempt from the fact that in some parts it is saturated but it happens less often, the sound works correctly . They have to think that the possibility that there have been Arcades with the combination of the 12 MHZ version and Final Fight is possible and that gives you an advantage

Edited by the author 5 months ago
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