IL runs and No-Upgrade category’s?
4 years ago

It would be nice to expand the different categories this page has to give for more unique runs.

IL runs would be good for people who want to optimise single levels And No-Upgrade runs come from the games achievements where you have to beat levels without buying any upgrades and gives a challenge of speed running the game.


These are things I have been thinking about as well.

I guess the problem with IL is that once you get past a certain point you need to reset your progress to try them again. It doesn't stop the boards from existing to be fair so I can look into it this weekend.

No upgrades would be cool so I can also look to add that.

Watch this space :)


OK I have added a new subcategory for No Upgrades as well as IL runs for every level

Go nuts with the attempts :)

Edited by the author 4 years ago

Thank you, it is a bit weird how the after completing the white zone, you’re locked out of all other levels unless you restart adventure mode progress. But it’s still cool to have more categories for people to run.

Reicha7 likes this

I have just done a test and you can still quit out of the white world after defeating Vektor thus allowing you to get your IL times without locking yourself out.

This means that you can do all the worlds except 1 over and over again for IL practice and then you need to commit to final world only.

So not as bad as it could be.

Pixel-Master64 likes this

is destroying the crystal shield around Vektor during the fight considered defeating him?


Yes that's what I would go with. From that point onwards there is no additional input needed to complete the stage.

I'll amend the rules description to make it clear.

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