Best Route Strat? Why?
Michigan, USA

The Strat I found might be very useful. Have only 1 wall for leveling Power and then for the whole Junior Group you level power as well.

After that ether first Senior Level Power then the rest for Control or First 2 Power then other 2 Control. Then right after the Senior Group, go get the Large Racket at the Equipment Shop.

This seems like the best route.

  1. Junior-Senior at Max Power or 9-9-9, instead of hitting the ball the other direction, Aim right at the opponent. Most of the time the ball will ether go right through them or hit them in the face. Hitting them in the face is actually faster then even hitting the ball the other way by about half to 1 second.

  2. With one wall, you will have enough power to do the "Face" Strat at the beginning and onward as long as you keep increasing your power.

  3. Even with getting the Large Racket, you'll save time doing it with 1 Wall then with 2 or 3 Walls.

  4. Large Racket gives you Control which should give you enough control for the Tournament. You'll lose 1 Server and 1 Stroke in Power though. Shouldn't be too much of a problem.

  5. Your Acing ability should be the same.

  6. I found this idea while also getting the low Exp amount from defeating the opponents. Getting the high Exp amount will make this a lot better.

I haven't tried the Tournament yet. For some reason I've been having problems with Drop Shots. The game doesn't seem to notice my input. I know it's not my emulator because I've never had the problem within the 5+ Years of me playing the game. That's why I've been getting the low Exp too.

Maryland, USA

Just saw this. Really interesting idea.

only problem I have with it is that without any points in control, you can't get guaranteed return aces on Junior class, which save a LOT of time (dont have to do dropshot, wait for return, smash). I'm gonna stick to 2-3 walls for now.

If you can get a competitive time doing your strat I'll def look into it though.

Maryland, USA

in case you want to look at my route for comparison:

3 walls, finish with 11 in power and 5 in control.

After Pam, 11/6. After Curt, 12/7.

The xp for this is really finnicky. You need to make sure you make NO MISTAKES on Pam or Curt so you get 2 level-ups from beating Curt.

With 12/7 for Beth, your power is maxed, meaning you will service ace her GUARANTEED (blue from right corner, orange from left corner). You can also do blue return aces from the right side, which saves a lot of time.

After Beth, just increase control while keeping power maxed. You will get guaranteed serve aces on Junior Bob, and then you can get serve aces on Brain/Joy/Varisty if you time it perfectly (it feels semi-random but yea).

The other cool thing about this is you will have power and control maxed by the time u get to island open, which is just a nice thing to have

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