Clarification - Using savestate to load into UFC Mode character select
2 years ago
United States


Just looking for a clarifcation here, it appears that the RNG is generated for the bracket on the character select screen. Having a predetermined bracket that way I'm assuming wouldn't be kosher but I wanted to ask if using a savestate to boot back to the fighter select menu after a dead run was allowed.

Thanks! gheed

United States

No worries, glad to explain and happy to see topics come up that perhaps I should be stated in the rules about. No savestates, they are usually frowned upon in fighting games at least in the many I have experience with. Sadly, we have to go through the tedious process of showing resets, difficulty, etc. Hell, in SF2 Arcade it's a nightmare for people looking for a perfect ladder, I like to test out my improvisation skill by playing any ladder that comes along while others will reset until they get the perfect RNG. Of course, playing live helps as the moderator can look back to the vod to see the full run and reset. But for recordings, it is better if the runner shows reset to not cast any doubt on the run. Also, should go without saying, but to be clear, no turbo buttons should be used either.

Thanks for the question and let me know if there is anything else I can be more clear on.


  • MnG
Edited by the author 3 months ago
gheed likes this
United States

No worries. I also generally play anything that comes across, just hate getting stuck on a dead run and was hoping to jump back to the char screen faster. Obviously a perk of emulators.

MUSICnGAMING likes this
United States

hahaha yes, I hear that for sure. There are some fighting games with like almost a damn minute unskippable cut scene that makes you want to not ever speed run it again haha.

Edited by the author 3 months ago