Thoughts on new chinese cheater yckzss216?
4 years ago

Came from nowhere, right?


Not exactly... He had a 1:13 before getting WR, and before that a 1:22.. Everyone is somewhat skeptical, though.

Otterstone_Gamer likes this

pretty big jumps of timesave

Otterstone_Gamer likes this
Anaheim, CA, USA

No. He absolutely did not come from nowhere. He has a history of absolutely legitimate runs spanning from 1:10-1:57 (a perfectly normal time to start submitting runs, especially when you're from somewhere that doesn't care much about

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Eyevy likes this
United Kingdom

If you take a look at his bilibili page (, he has around 30 runs that were sub 1:20 before he got his 1:10, he has obviously been playing for a while. Skepticism around a world record run is totally justified, however the mods wouldn't blindly accept a record run without doing their research. He has streamed before, showcasing he can play to that degree of skill, he's also made a video with a handcam. That said, it isn't irrefutable evidence that he isn't cheating - but proving innocence is a mountain of a task.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
6ixCoins, Yoyoshi and 5 others like this
Berkshire, England

Aurora and Rhetor are right! This guy is a legitimate runner who just happened to beat the record by a long shot.

Eyevy likes this

All I will say is ccfst didn't come out of nowhere either

Yeet1 and nicholas132 like this
Berkshire, England

Eyy, it’s Former WR holder Stillow!

South Africa

Did yckzss216 use the test build?

Berkshire, England

I dunno. All that matters though is that he has the world record!

aight gonna submit the sub 50 run brb


all's good now, blastboot reclaimed the wr

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Eyevy likes this
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