drop down, grab the handle, jump and at the peak of your jump, spam left click. (or right click if you use green hand) And then pause when get to the area where the hole would usually be to let the station load.
I did not understand when u said at the peak of ur jump? like i jump to grab the handle?or when i go up because of the handle?
@leo26563AZ When you grab the handle, you keep the space bar pressed and the w key aswell, Then you spam the Right/Left click (depends on which hand you used) until you are flying.
If you didn't know, two days ago Twitch announced that Highlights will now have a 100 hour storage limit meaning that you can only have a total of 100 hours of highlights on your Twitch Channel.
The change doesn't come to effect until April 19th, but today we will be implementing som