Category refurbish
9 years ago
Drenthe, Netherlands

I've made the following changes to the leaderboard:

  1. Vanilla% is off the main leaderboards.
  2. Several Misc. Categories have been added. For now, these are Low%, All Artifacts, and All Characters.
  3. Vanilla% is moved to Misc. categories as well.

The idea is to primarily denote the competitive categories on the frontpage, while adding extra room for all the gimmicky categories people (may) want to run. Now the frontpage looks light and neat, and the bloat of categories can be revealed through the Misc Runs toggle.

If there are any other (sensible) categories people are willing to run, feel free to request here. Preferably with an actual run.

Things I'm not ever going to add separate categories for: Older or newer patches, uncommon characters, IGT%.

Amaurus and ATOMICNUT like this
Georgia, USA

Regarding low%, are we allowed to pick up drones or are those forbidden along with all items? And I assume it applies to use-items as well.

New Jersey, USA

I would think Low% would include not picking up drones, since you're "collecting" them. Definitely need some clarification though.

Also a quick note to anyone who wants to run Low%: use the Command artifact. That way you won't accidentally pick up a boss item, ruining the run.

Drenthe, Netherlands

No pickups whatsoever. Just your character, and the automatically gathered experience.

ATOMICNUT likes this
Hesse, Germany

All Chars rule: Patch > 1.2.x because 1.0.0 has less chars ?

What is about Keycards in Low%, you cant avoid them with Command?

PS: i linked Version 1.0.0 to Resources (for Vanilla runs maybe)

Drenthe, Netherlands

Keycards have no effect, just don't USE them.

sakurion likes this
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