Seems like Reply Studios has been doing a lot of bugfixes and paying attention to feedback recently, so they dropped a pretty big update for the game today. Seems like everything in here will be beneficial to runs. I haven't been running or anything and don't plan to again for a long while but this is still cool to see.
Patch 1.03
Yeah. Just read through them myself.
The ones that seam most important are
Increased I-Frames - seems interesting. Improved attack cancelling Air attacks have increased mobility The option to tweak camera distance and FOV - A godsend for certain encounters. No more having your attack bounce off a possessed enemy when attacking a wraith... THANKYOU Reduced damage from certain attacks on Colossus A change to a combat encounter in mission 17 - Gonna have to investigate that The option to auto advance dialogue - could be helpful so long as it's not slower than mashing the button yourself
Less helpful ones
Piercing lunge prioritizes locked on enemies first - It's not a great DPS attack but it does move you quite far on activation. Could be useful for times saves in some encounters. Enemy lock on will now transfer to the Wraiths that spawn when you defeat a possessed.
Possibly aggravating ones
Void crystals don't spawn outside of combat - Could mean that they only appear once the encounter starts. Which may slow down the end game. Additional tutorials - If those appear as extra pop up messages in the run, that's a few seconds lost right there.
All things considered, it looks like a step in the right direction. I'll try a few runs this weekend and see if there's any noticeable change
Now they have to just make some bound less solid and let us break the geometry easier!
Looks like the game is very unstable after the new update.
Had several crashes in chapters 1, 3, 7 and now 14
9 crashes today. Tried everything to fix them. This last one ruined a potential sub 4H run
I've reinstalled the game Disabled all overclocks on my CPU and GPU Uninstalled and reinstalled GPU drivers Verified the integrity of the game files Run every conceivable test on my SSD for sanity
And the game still crashes.
Finally got the game stable enough for a full run. Still stutters like a slide show in the heavier scenes but no crashes. Uploading a new PB now.