10 months ago
Durham, England

Is there a discord?

no but you can use the official roblox speedrunning discord, theres a few channels that can be used for multiple games.

Durham, England

Wouldn't it make more sense to make a server dedicated to dusty trip. Other roblox ames have there own servers

Antwane likes this
United States

There is a speedrun section on the main adustytrip discord, though we have our own runs sperate from speedrun.coms

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No runs getting verifed

Hi ther i am really sorry for not verify run but my account got hacked and i lost my password but i got it back and i got run verfied and the old runs most of them wont show on the leaderboard but they are verifed so any new runs will be show on the leaderboard it was a mistake redoing runs after ne

2 months ago